I thought of you and prayed for you Jacob my friend! You were one of the first people on this site to read my work and make me feel welcomed here...and I will never forget that my friend. I'm so happy your surgery went well and you are back to share your wonderful poetry! ~Sharon
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
thank you, Sharon....pretty much back to normal now, whatever that is for me.
Jacob, my old friend!!!! I was told that you had surgery, and I came here to the Cafe today to see if you were around and to send you a message.... but no need, as here you are and with some of your wonderful verse as well... it sounds like you are beginning that recovery journey that seems like forever and my hopes and wishes are that you will continue to recover y our strength and health....
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
working on it...start physical therapy today.
thanks for the well wishes, Curt.
I know I am only recently new here but you welcomed me with open arms and kind words on my initial poetry efforts when I needed someone to read them, so I am always grateful for that and I am very glad to know you are on the mend and getting stronger with every passing day. Poetry is a wonderful medium but our health is paramount, so look after you first and foremost. I look forward to reading you again very soon.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
thank you for your words, Makhabat...
i am working my way back...reading on the cafe is a pow.. read morethank you for your words, Makhabat...
i am working my way back...reading on the cafe is a powerful medicine for me.
No matter how deep a doctor cuts, they can only hit the physical parts of us. They're always limited by what their tools allow them to do. They're limited in what they're able to fix.
Your words cut much deeper. There are no limits in your imagination. And emotions run through every fiber of our being. The surgery in your writing heal more than any physical blade can.
Don't let one surgery stop another. Heal well Jacob.
It's good to have you back and know you are in good health my friend. Your work has always been a huge staple here at Writer's Cafe. A solid prolific reputation you have built as a poet submitting your art within this community. The library you have worked hard to build speaks to the talent you are. But more importantly the kind encouraging human being you have unselfishly exhibited to every voice both new and old within this world wide group of writers. And it all comes from your profound and uncompromising love for the art form. One that you have dedicated your life to and exudes with the very essence of creative aspiration. You inspire your fellow writers to stay true to their art and work hard in allowing it to flourish. You teach us all to be better poets. CLE
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..