I have a storehouse of poems in process that are reluctant to emerge in the form they think is their's. I have tried to force them, but the look is never good.
They've been told...floggings will continue until morale improves...to no avail.
So there they sit...patiently waiting...tormenting the mind every time the door opens and one is once again brought forth and the fight resumes.
Invariably they win and slide back into their cubbyholes...but now and then...;>}
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
i hate it when that morale dips...the poems get depressed, and hide in the shadows.
when is a poem not a poem?
when its ajar...
to get to the other side...
who's there...
Sheesh.. I dunno j.. I reckon some folk have the gift of making poetry out of almost anything... Now as for rules... well aint they meant to be broken
Door, chicken.. Me
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Emily Dickinson loved to break the rules...many famous poets went their own way...poetry has so many.. read moreEmily Dickinson loved to break the rules...many famous poets went their own way...poetry has so many doors and windows...thank you, Neville,
There is a reason Art rhymes with heart. Art is from the heart and soul. So it should be allowed the freedom to grow as it grows and not be chained, restricted, straitjacket. Let’s stop torturing our hearts.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
i second that emotion, Dhara...as Smoky and the Miracles sang...
Only wee khan say watt is aloud and watt isn't Jacob.
There may be rules, but hey, if someone says you can't do that, it has to be done in order for them to say it,.making their comment moot, when it really should be mute.
An apt example of this for a writer, is the word thesaurus, whose literal definition was flower garden. When have you ever heard anyone call their flower garden that?
Ps...Im almost nearly maybe certain I heard that somewhere, but if not, call it artistic licence 😀
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Should have checked that first. It means treasure house, but one of the first, other than roget's wa.. read moreShould have checked that first. It means treasure house, but one of the first, other than roget's was for plants, which was called the flower garden thesaurus.
A little information is a dangerous thing 😀
5 Years Ago
yes, true, a little info can be of the utmost danger.
thank you Lorry...for the insight and t.. read moreyes, true, a little info can be of the utmost danger.
thank you Lorry...for the insight and the smile,
These lines remind me of a short failed relationship where the he was all.controlling, to the point he would suggest how I wore my hair and what clothes I wore. It was ike being in a straight jacket. I soon resented the fact that he was trying to mould me into someone I wasn't. You see it started with the hair and clothes, but if the relationship had continued I anticipated that it would progress to far more important things, like family and friends and my ideas. Funny enough I can see similar with poetry which is in strict rhyme and meter. Yes, that too can be restraining, but it can also be beautiful. Concentrate on the structure and at times you can lose out on the vocabulary. That's the journey you sent me on Jacob.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
thank you for your words and sharing how you related to this, Chris..
Reading this brought to mind physical abuse that a lot of women go through. Sad. I think poems often take a life of their own. Did they ever really belong to us in the first place? Maybe a poem is like a good relationship lol
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
or sometimes a bad relationship...but one nonetheless...thank you, light. i don't know that we ever .. read moreor sometimes a bad relationship...but one nonetheless...thank you, light. i don't know that we ever really own poems...
Subjectivity without explanation is belligerently conceited. But alright.
5 Years Ago
not really....i feel poems are up to the readers to find meanings within, without the poets themselv.. read morenot really....i feel poems are up to the readers to find meanings within, without the poets themselves putting labels on them...not conceited at all, just allowing the readers scope...there is rarely ever one meaning to a poem...
5 Years Ago
There is a line though - between what you meant to say and what people interpret your words as. The .. read moreThere is a line though - between what you meant to say and what people interpret your words as. The conceit comes from expecting people to know the difference carte blanche.
5 Years Ago
Or inadvertently asking them to, same difference.
5 Years Ago
i have no expectations on the reader...as i said, read as you will...
I always teach my poetr.. read morei have no expectations on the reader...as i said, read as you will...
I always teach my poetry students not to worry about what the poet was thinking when he or she wrote the poem, but rather figure out what you are thinking when you read it.
if the poem is good enough...each reader will find something within. If i were to slam readers because they didn't get exactly what prompted me to write the poem....and get one particular meaning that i intended...that would express conceit.
No, that is a concession that you give students because they may or may not be capable of understand.. read moreNo, that is a concession that you give students because they may or may not be capable of understanding what the poet originally intended.
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..