Jacob - I'm so akin to you! I seldom, if ever worry whether or not my poetry rhymes. I supposed that I'm addicted to "free verse". I think the thought, the feeling, the essence of the poem is the most important element.
Thanks for pointing it out to so many.
Take care - Dave
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
I feel that way...if rhyme comes naturally...and some days it does, then fine...but otherwise...just.. read moreI feel that way...if rhyme comes naturally...and some days it does, then fine...but otherwise...just let the writing take us where it will...no confinements...
thank you, Dave,
dear Jacob... this is parrallel to the state of our Country.. so much free verse, but the cost is out of control. The truth serum has been stolen... like pollen in lovely flowers. An awesome poem for prosperity. gently, Pat
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
very much out of control...
thank you for your words, Pat,
For some, there's just no way to get by without a gun. (I find this notion of "pistol-whipping" words a bit humorous. Am pretty sure I know someone who does that.)
Being a "Mary had a little lamb" kind of poet makes me a poor authority on the subject, but I see something similar happening in some stories, too. May all our endeavors be thoughtful and not hurried.
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Yes, we can only hope they are not hurried...although I am more of a conduit than a writer....so my .. read moreYes, we can only hope they are not hurried...although I am more of a conduit than a writer....so my writes are done in a frenzy...
Thank you, Sam....appreciate your visit and words.
I will be honest with you, your title is captivating and that's why I clicked on this. As I first read your poem, I was confused but when I read farther, I understood. Your style of writing is original and creative!! this is a masterpiece!! I'd love to see more of your work
i think you have been trying to write a sonnet .... hahaha
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
What's a sonnet? :))))
I think sonnets and I would get along like mixing chocolate syrup wit.. read moreWhat's a sonnet? :))))
I think sonnets and I would get along like mixing chocolate syrup with grapefruit juice.
4 Years Ago
think so too Jacob, a alot of my sonnets end up being something else lol
A classic ode, or a chalk scribble on a wall, it matters not, what counts is the journey a poem can take you on; interpretation being one of the great joys gifted to the reader.
Art is art; form, just physical structure, which needs the beating heart of a poet to gift it life.
A deliciously vicious job of dicing up my tendency to overwork a poem! *wink! wink!* Sheesh! It isn't that my OCD rhyming destroys any meaning that might've been freed from my words . . . the reality = there wasn't any meaning in that poem anyway & all I got to give is the crazed spill of tortured verse! Kidding aside, there are poets who can ONLY torture verse to form & I love how you put starched stanzas in the blender & frappe it into smoothie! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
thank you, Margie...hope you are staying healthy, with what's going on.
I can't force out words. I need good song and good reading.
"words pistol-whipped to fit
into bloody stanzas
told to straighten up and fly right
to rhyme right
to rhythm right"
I did like the above lines. To pistol whip some words. Hard to do. Thank you Jacob for sharing the outstanding poetry.
oh My!!! I always knew You to be brilliant and each time You surprise us with Your creatively smart talent but here it's something really exceptional, a fine art from a fine bard. always, always and ALWAYS what matter is the true heart who is flowing in the words rhythm-ed to its beat, the pure essence of us, in the thoughts, in the feelings... anything forced will be read with the same "force" feeling. amazing amazing write Mr. Jacob! Thank You 💕
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..