I like the thoughts that come in dreams to write, you just never know where they take you, i suppose thats why mine are silly and weird. The braille like imposition reminded me of a joke. What did the blind man say when he ran his fingers over a cheese grater? It was the most violent story he has ever read.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
funny joke...yes, we never know where our thoughts will take us.
The third verse is so beautiful, absolutely inspiring. The repetition invoked a now or never feeling. I’d rather continue to cling to my feeble, half-baked attempts at writing than slip away into the greatness of eternity.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
i would rather do that also...thank you for your words, DIVYA,
So many starless nights here too Jacob, and with it being 3:30 am saturday, i need to blink to check im not blind.
We still feel that creative impulse, even on the auto-pilot of exhaustion, but completing something/anything from nothing does make that pillow a little bit plumper.
Imagine a society where keyboard and pen are outlawed and the world will see the insanity that ink keeps a lid on 😀
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
oh i like that idea...let's see the insanity...i''m up for that.
thank you, Lorry,read moreoh i like that idea...let's see the insanity...i''m up for that.
I think we are seeing here a comment on the creative process. "Truant verse" probably refers to something the speaker has been trying to write about, but which has eluded him. Now it is returning. Then we hear of sleepwalking fingers and a keyboard that can only be felt like a "braille imposition." This is a reference to the struggle of creating when it feels as though the right words just won't come. The next verse speaks of the desire to create before "eternity comes," a nod to the urgency to finish the work before death. The last verse is an admission of the strangeness of the creative quest, but a loyalty to it nonetheless. And that, friends, is an explanation of why so many poets drink to excess.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
ha ha...slurp, gurgle...
thank you for your insightful review, John.
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..