"Umbilical longing" (brilliant word crafting) describes how much I was "taken in" by my mom's way of controlling/manipulating people. I used to say "mother" in a longing way, when life went s****y, as if I were invoking her in my time of need. The other day I said "mother" and realized there is no emotion in the word for me at all. (This happened years before she died two months ago). Your poem is a chilling depiction of how I feel about "mother" (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
thank you, Margie...you relate...my mother did her best in her way...she loved how she could... read morethank you, Margie...you relate...my mother did her best in her way...she loved how she could...
You know some of my history and my mother's place in it. We never stop wanting the approval and validation of the people who raised us. Mother passed last October. My greatest regret and, at the same time, deepest relief is that it when she knew the end was near she validated my experience and apologized. I'm glad she didn't pass with that between us. But, a lifetime without it still leaves me pining for the mother she wore as a mask for the world.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
sometimes we just hope for a reckoning to even the slate...and sometimes maybe we expect too much fr.. read moresometimes we just hope for a reckoning to even the slate...and sometimes maybe we expect too much from them...maybe i did...i appreciate your relating and sharing here, Momz..
"she is cold now
in ashed resplendence
but not with frosted gaze at me"
Brrrr! My own mother was quick to judge my life/decisions/food choices and very slow (usually none) with praise or approval.
However, in death, she has told me numerous and in many ways that she considered me a competent, intelligent adult as I am sole heir and executrix of her estate with more than a few rather "sensitive" final wishes and directives. Vindication doesn't always come when you think you need it....
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Yes, we get validation, finally....but all those years without it...i appreciate you sharing here, C.. read moreYes, we get validation, finally....but all those years without it...i appreciate you sharing here, Carol..understanding.
The bond is unbreakable; time no more than an abstract concept as far as mother and child are concerned. It is the great glue that binds our civilisation, and you have to believe it does not end simply because the physical presence has journeyed to the next level.
This is a poem that touches deeply; and I am minded of the longing in my father's eyes when on occasion, (not terribly often,) he talks to my sister and I about his mother.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
wow, yes, it does not end, ever..thank you so much for your words, Beccy,
You do something outrageous, and then the voice comes through.
That wasn't very smart, was it.
Stop looking down on me, I'm an adult.
Not from where I'm looking.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
i can hear saying exactly that...
thank you, Paul for reminding me of her voice... read morei can hear saying exactly that...
thank you, Paul for reminding me of her voice...
Though many an umbilical cords are cut the mother holds that special place in the memory book of life. The nurturing: the joy the tears. Beautiful, meaningful piece Jacob. Thank you for sharing.
Us, who love to write. Keep memories and faces alive. Your poem accomplished this Jacob. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
we cannot forget those we love...hopefully the words will etch them forever in our hearts.
th.. read morewe cannot forget those we love...hopefully the words will etch them forever in our hearts.
thanks, Coyote,
6 Years Ago
I believe the words are and you are welcome Jacob.
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..