( THIS poem was posted some time ago. Seems I have been sent back in time to days when rain and sun came within seasons sometimes specific! )
'rain is sometimes soft
just touches the petals gently'
.. some would be blind to that comment but, you, sir, know more than the average bear.
Seems that the gray, cold drown of days is deeper and darker; locks that time like a withering sickness. Whereas akin to good children coming out of school; they are less likely to be seen and heard than the noisy mess of the badly behaved shouting, shoving yobbos. Smiles are the hoped-for streaks of light that come and go with neither nudge nor word. Whereas, the snarling batter of dark weather drowns the mind and sends it into space where it stays for far, far too long. Perhaps?.
dear Jacob... “the aftermath of storms
feels like years”. Yes, indeed, it takes a lot of adjusting to accepting. A spiritual connection is in our heart... and eventually we find that it helps us survive... like a poem we keep in our pocket or a locket of courage. truly, Pat
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
thank you for your insightful and kind words, Pat.
Always love your metaphors Jacob. Life sure does happen that way. Sunny times seem so short and the clean up after the storms really do feel like forever.
And the invading future memories...that is sticking with me.
These are sublime metaphors using the elements of nature to tell your story.As in most cases in my life, the bad moments last all day and there is never enough time in the day to appreciate the good.
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..