Yes no matter how well the garden grows on the blending of different varieties/ species and how we fit in this blend, there will always be weeds to attend to.
You restore my hope for this country with this wonderful poem,my friend..every line, every word ideal and inspirational. Only you can write in this caliber. The last verse is a prayer from your pen to God’s ears. Best of the best. Master-Class work from a true Master Poet. Thank you j.
You use magical phrases in this.. brought tears to my eyes, '.. now ~ seceded unions ~ equal bondage shared by both ~ and finally ~ love knows no color.. .. '
And God's court artist painted a rainbow ..
You have such a gentlemanly touch, or - is it that you view life past and present with gentility rather than rage? What you portray here is nothing short of wonder for me.. detached on my own multi-cultural island. To know that feelngs such as yours run so deeply, that respect and empathy walk hand in hand amongst the majority, iss a miracle in this age of have and have not. Thanks be.. You raise not only morals but hope.. thank YOU.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
i really appreciate your kind words, em...
thanks so much for being you.
Hell of a lot of pain before the chains came off.
Assuming they actually did.
Colour and religion. You actually wonder how love can maneuver inbetween them. Just hope there's no divide going through the pearly gates.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
me too, Paul....i hope the same.
thank you for your words,
This poem blows me away becuz of your departure into a seemingly unusual historical topic but still maintaining your amazing wordplay with metaphorical expressions! Love the blend of feeling & facts (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Very potent, your expression of that horrendous embarrassing period in time is weaved eloquently bringing together the before and after.. equal bondage shared by both....Amazing!
When I read this, I assumed you were from the south. The imagery is really striking. The more I read, the more tears filled me eyes.
Am I reading correctly - it sounds like a utopian missive. Anti-bigotry?
"We all become of one garden" "Love knows no colour"
Also - "plantations growing emotional cotton"
Divine. What a gorgeous description.
plantations growing emotional cotton
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
love your impressions of this one...and there is no right or wrong interpreting is for y.. read morelove your impressions of this one...and there is no right or wrong interpreting is for you the reader to see as you see...
i appreciate your words---oddly enough, i am actually from NY...
and now live in the southern part of illinois.
Jacob, this is brilliant! I was born and raised in Alabama, still live in my hometown. Your imagery of the south is spot-on. You are one of the poets when I read your poetry, I cannot help to myself, "I wish I could write like that!" I am so thankful we have progressed to the point that we have. You put it so eloquently. Well done!
I have missed reading your poetry. Been having health issues; however, I hope to catch up soon!
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
I hope your health issues have been taken care of and you are better....thank you for your very kind.. read moreI hope your health issues have been taken care of and you are better....thank you for your very kind words...
7 Years Ago
Had an upper respiratory infection. About over that. Went for MRI results today on my leg. Have h.. read moreHad an upper respiratory infection. About over that. Went for MRI results today on my leg. Have had excruciating pain the last month in my left leg. Had an MRi which showed a fluid pocket underneath my knee, swelling throughout my leg, and a stress fracture. I was down with it four months last year. :P This is my 4th stress fracture, none in the same place. I don't get it since my bone mineral density test a few months back was normal and I take calcium and vitamin D supplements. Thanks for your well wishes.
7 Years Ago
I have another dear poetry friend who just got out of the hospital after a week, with leg issues too.. read moreI have another dear poetry friend who just got out of the hospital after a week, with leg issues too.
Not fun...Sounds like you are working your way back, that is good news.
I feel for your friend! Not fun at all! At least I didn't have to go to the hospital. The US showe.. read moreI feel for your friend! Not fun at all! At least I didn't have to go to the hospital. The US showed no blood clot so that is something to be thankful for! :)
7 Years Ago
Same with her, no blood clot, luckily...Glad yours showed no clot either.
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..