Reminds me of the sad story of Chicago May - check out my profile for it, as she found her business wane to the younger girls, she had to work at the grittier ends of the market. Her bank robbery prime came in her prime though, and she was more an accomplice than an actual boss in the American Express job...
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
thank you for sharing, Tomas....appreciate your visit, as always.
I like how this piece plays on a literal and metaphorical level -- the depth of sadness -- how difficult life can be and how we are all seeking, many never to find that happiness and contentment we imagine will make us whole.
Beautiful piece, Jacob. As always. "and she will seek shelter into the barrel of a gun". This line puts a lump in my throat.
"a Vacancy sign glows with soft sadness
just outside the window of her heart"
We're all aching for that one thing; but a lot are afraid to show it.
This is amazing writing. It captures the darkness and grittiness of a poor city girl trying to get by the only way she knows. I like the background scenes you've woven into the poem in order to bring out the realness of city living on the seedier side of the tracks.
You always, without fail, weave such metaphor that is stays in my mind for a long time Jacob...such a sense of detachment here and acceptance in hindered tones...a massively wrenching piece...
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
thank you for your extremely kind review, Poppy,
Inner city life, ageing, depression and lost love all in one. I really enjoyed it. The message is clear, no confusion, at least not for me. Hearing the subway screeching through on it's rails just screams loneliness.
City life can be doleful especially when you lack the mindset and the means. You have a way of transporting me into the world you describe in your writing. Very skillfully woven. 👍
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..