When I had a full time job, I would write during my lunch breaks. Sitting on a bench in the sunshine eating my syllables was far more a draw than a restaurant. Yes, a poet feels he/she has used the day well when a poem is born! Lydi**
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
really like this reply...what did you drink with those syllables?
I think I'm guilty, churning out thoughts by the dozens, only because someone might like them lol. And yes every now and then a good one may come along only cos its compared to the bad ones lol. Nearly everything is massed produced these days even books. A informative write as per usual J
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
i really like this...yes, you churn out many, but they are clever...and feel pretty natural, not for.. read morei really like this...yes, you churn out many, but they are clever...and feel pretty natural, not forced...
I am not sure of the belief everyone is just putting up false appearances... We have to put up something or be invisible, I think. Yes, no poem or expression can give the complete picture. Years of conversations and living with someone does not... We are complex creatures to be sure. So, I think a little pride in attempting to be transparent is valid. I say bravo to the poets... At least they are saying something; risking something.
Enjoyed the write Jacob.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
i really enjoyed your reply to this poem, David...so thoughtful...
I love the image that sprouted from this Jacob. Industrialised poetry factories, where quantity wins over quality, yet every now and again, there is gold to be struck for those who feel compelled not to conform and churn out every thought that escapes their mouth, or pen.
We sometimes get those from a hard shift, making the next trip down the pit all the more bearable.
Superb, as ever.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
and such an insightful review...thank you alife...
appreciate your words... read moreand such an insightful review...thank you alife...
I must confess and say that I was reading the other comments about poetry compared to work and I think it is an apt observation in a sense. It's not always easy. Not always enjoyable. But it is in my opinion a respectable calling. I think it's on par with greeting card writing. Kidding. I do love the imagery in this. While I was reading I could almost a imagine a man in a vintage suit feverishly pounding away at his latest creation circa 1925 New York City. Maybe it was the word "typewriter" that set it off. Another wonderful piece. CD
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
i really got a chuckle out of your review, CD...
thank you for your fun insights...read morei really got a chuckle out of your review, CD...
thank you for your fun insights...
well i was in NYC for part of my life, but not in 1925, at least i don't think i was.
What defines you as a poet is this, another fine example of your creative and knowledgeable artistry, expressed in ingenious metaphoric summery. I truly envy your never ending ink. Where do you find this magic pen? Mine keep drying up. Never a disappointing read, sir.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
but when your pen is active...the writing is superb. I am always enthralled by your writes...aren't .. read morebut when your pen is active...the writing is superb. I am always enthralled by your writes...aren't enough of them....And thanks for your kind words...like i have always said...i can hardly take credit for what i write...i am but a conduit---it just comes and i write it down----half the time i don't feel that i really write what i write.
9 Years Ago
Thank you for saying that, Jacob. It means a lot to me :)
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..