yes..... We enter in but, what we find within is whatever we perceive it to be and, whatever we perceive is what we will feed it or put into it or not.
If we see love then i think we will nourish it with love.
If we don't value it, then we seem to starve it and let it become lifeless.
Being a believer of perception = creates reality, i had to search this through your write to find out if the theory really fits with your write and I conclude that it does.
Even if it's one-sided.
The one who found love.. did indeed find love
The one who didn't, didn't find love
It never mattered what the results are for the other person.
It was and still is about the viewer and that one angle of viewing.
Good news is that for the injured party who loved but was not loved in return,
can find solace and healing if they learn to accept the law of perception and know they loved and love indeed existed.While excepting the reality that they just weren't loved in return.
It doesn't have to be a painful experience for that too is a perception.
They have a choice at how they chose to perceive that.
Thanks for sharing these thoughts
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
and thank you for sharing your insightful thoughts on this piece, Connie.
Love is a gamble, but certainly worth the risk...and pain. Funny, as I get older, I am learning to look at those "blinks" as something that was beautiful at the time. Love the lines:
to enter in,
for that blink of love
or a gaze lasting
Reading across the pages of your poem's sighs. The days linger, in those shadows and soft light, and lives touch and release year by year. Sitting here just pondering these thoughts as the new year begins.
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..