staving off the junkyard blues

staving off the junkyard blues

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

staving off the junkyard blues

traffic jam in my mind
broken down old thoughts
sputtering to stop lights,
the signals stuck on red,
idling roughly, my engine with a broken block

the oil of reckless abandon, dried up
the pistons once overly exuberant
now clogged with decayed liquid,

maybe too many drops of impertinence
maybe too many drops of in-congruence 
maybe too many drops of missed opportunity thence

but now just trying to keep a belabored car on the road of life

steering through the jeering of the past
looking for that end green
where i can coast down the hill
not worrying that my brake shoes are so worn

from too much walking through love
with an untied accelerator.


© 2015 jacob erin-cilberto

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oh my! there you go again mastering the craft of metaphor and personification ... what a treat to read sir! and perhaps one should abandon the care take the hood and go sliding :))
i like this poem a lot .. love can take a toll ... but if the groundwork is sound ..the vessel may remain better than ever .. i inherited my Dad's John Deere riding mower (purchased in 1971) and use it to this day ... i keep it tuned and clean and take it to the Masters hand from time to time to make sure i am doing all i can ;) great poem! thanks for sharing!
ps your humor is sublime ..have to say i chuckled a bit as i tooka look at this ol' jalopy ;)

Posted 8 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

8 Years Ago

and i so enjoyed your story, E. about the John Deere...thank you for that...

Einstein Noodle

8 Years Ago

its true ;) i have his Dobbs classic fedora he wore to work .. i sometimes put it on as i mow ..just.. read more
Those services come round more and more often the more you keep going. But as long as the mechanics keep fixing it, we'll keep on going. Perfectly captured Jacob.

Posted 8 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

8 Years Ago

thank you for your words, alife...

I believe at the bottom of the hill is the love potion pit stop. Need an oil change?


Posted 8 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

8 Years Ago

ha ha...thanks, my friend.

it is not easy to navigate through this life of love and unlove. Way too many abandoned vehicles
and burning tires in the way of life to go as fast as we may like. May as well be like the poets
and drive around naked with one foot on the accelerator and a gas gage that cant be read.
Then eventually what shiny things you cherish, what expensive things to pay long for, even those
luxurious things you wait a lifetime to acquire will be just the stuff of poesy and translation.

Your endings are the stuff of righteous morality...........well done....dana

Posted 8 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

8 Years Ago

thank you for your words, dana...

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...'re more like Herby the Love Bug. Got all kinds of magic under the hood :) I know this wasn't meant to be cute or funny, but I chuckled cuz I thought of just need a heart restoration, a little high octane hope in the gas tank.

Posted 8 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

8 Years Ago

you are too kind...and actually in most of my writes i do intend the humor, even if it is dark..
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15 Reviews
Added on December 29, 2015
Last Updated on December 29, 2015


jacob erin-cilberto
jacob erin-cilberto

Carbondale, IL

Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..


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