i found a touch of humor in this penning as well as a heartfelt warning about the nature of superficial love...well written and thought provoking, jacob...excellent...
I see you hv not lost your sense of humor nor have you lost the ability to highlight the ridiculous of our everyday...
Fun read from a consistent talent.
Oh yes, let that love expand to include others for when we keep it too close to us, to our own wants, our own needs we tend to nurture our wounds and not those of others. What we feel so often is that which hurts our pride, our "ego" of the heart and then we can't open up to see the hurts of others. Again, YES! Let's allow that love heal the wounds of others, not keep it so hidden inside but reach out to give love as well as accept love!!
Swooning of the wound if soothed with the right ointment will leave no scar! Our boo hoos can comfort the pained spirit of another - if we allow it.
Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..