Walking through a beautiful Spring forest flowers glowing through a light mist trees stretching to the clear blue sky a soothing stream meanders by the sun lights up the surrounding green there is beauty in each magical scene I walk along a winding trail overhead a chorus of birds sail so many bird songs echo through the trees I feel the touch of a cool, gentle breeze squirrels flick their tails and chitter I'm surrounded by the beauty of nature so much beauty lies within I feel like a country boy again this beautiful Spring forest I treasure I could walk through this forest forever.
Your words are true. Nothing as beautiful as a warm Spring day and time to enjoy it. Thank you for the outstanding poem. The description made me wish to wander outside for awhile.
This is what I was talking about. You amaze me. Your words always paint a beautiful picture, I feel I am there. Thank you, Ghost, this sounds like a place
we would like to be forever. Keep writing the stories of nature.
This creates a vivid peaceful scene of walking through the forest. I wish I could do it right now. This is outstanding. Your skill and talent shine in this one!
I've been writing since 1984.
I write poems, stories, lyrics & string haikus in a variety of genres: Horror, Nature, Inspirational, Comedy, Sexual, etc... Variety is what you will find here.
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