Coming in through her windows an early Autumn wind blows a candle flickers in the breeze magically it stays lit to please its pretty glow lights up her room chases away the gloom she gazes at the flame she doesn't feel the same the shadows disappear a kind magic is near it glows for her inside she finds laughter she has a magical friend the magic will never end the candle is there to please her its soothing warmth flickering forever.
A lovely write, Ghost. A flame might bring certain magic, whether a candle or a fireplace as it dances for us and maybe even bring calm to a weary soul.
Very beautiful artwork. This reads like a fantasy story, something mysterious about the candle and its flame. I think you did an outstanding job on this. You write very well.
I've been writing since 1984.
I write poems, stories, lyrics & string haikus in a variety of genres: Horror, Nature, Inspirational, Comedy, Sexual, etc... Variety is what you will find here.
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