Far out in the icy cold, Pluto it's not a planet anymore you know some scientists have ruled this to be saddening many people like me Pluto was the ninth planet here poor Pluto is gone I fear no, no, no this cannot be it looks like a planet to me it has an orbiting moon and Pluto orbits the sun it's status should not be in ruin is it forever undone? it's still a planet to me and it will always be it's the ninth planet like in days of old poor, poor Pluto they've left out in the cold.
To me Pluto will always be a planet. I don't care what some scientist says who's only trying to get their name in publications and gain a little influence in the scientific community. Some states passed a law saying that when Pluto is in the heavenly skies over that state it is officially a planet.
You taught me something today. I have missed 30 years of school. When did Pluto lose it status as a planet? I agree with you. I was raised with Pluto as the ninth planet. I still believe. Thank you for the poem with some good information.
To me Pluto will always be a planet. I don't care what some scientist says who's only trying to get their name in publications and gain a little influence in the scientific community. Some states passed a law saying that when Pluto is in the heavenly skies over that state it is officially a planet.
I've been writing since 1984.
I write poems, stories, lyrics & string haikus in a variety of genres: Horror, Nature, Inspirational, Comedy, Sexual, etc... Variety is what you will find here.
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