Bubble bubble, toil and trouble go to Hell and meet your double and if that double bites try to rise up to the lights and if your double is nice would you think twice would you claw your way out of Hell will you be mesmerized by the bell will you be enthralled by the spell should you leave behind your dark side could you decide?
Our light sides and our dark sides. The devil on one shoulder, the angel on the other. Endless temptation, endless going back and forth. I pick the dark side sometimes. It can be more fun. The the angle (the light) is always there to pull me back. Love your poem here Eric. Very creative and very impressive. You're a superb writer, so glad to read your work again.
Compelling dark poem. Would I leave my dark side behind? Would I want to me all light? Your poem asks the universal question. I think the dark side is more often than not the winner. I enjoyed your impressive poem.
A real fun and dark poem. The fun part does not take away from the darkness nor the serious question being asked. Yes, I think people choose the dark side most because its easier. This is a real well done, well written and well crafted poem.
Yes, we choose. Which will win, the light or the dark? Maybe both. A very good question we all have to answer many times in our lives. An awesome poem Eric!
Our light sides and our dark sides. The devil on one shoulder, the angel on the other. Endless temptation, endless going back and forth. I pick the dark side sometimes. It can be more fun. The the angle (the light) is always there to pull me back. Love your poem here Eric. Very creative and very impressive. You're a superb writer, so glad to read your work again.
I've been writing since 1984.
I write poems, stories, lyrics & string haikus in a variety of genres: Horror, Nature, Inspirational, Comedy, Sexual, etc... Variety is what you will find here.
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