Empty handed
A Poem by Ethan Raver
This poem was influenced by the book Safekeeping By Karen Hesse 
Empty handed.
One day we will wake up,
and everything we, own everything we love,
it vanishes, out of thin air.
The world will be full of chaos.
As if peace was just a myth,
a story to protect our little ones during the night.
Life, not everything is what it seems.
Bombing, threats, crying, questions.
Judgement, rights are denied, broken hearts.
Light shines still through a clear window.
Trees will grow from the ground to prove how tall they can really be.
This nation will come together,
as if all this was a nightmare.
People comforting themselves and others,
believing in that old myth since we have grown up.
This is not the end.
Until we fly to the sky, or descend down below.
We will always remember what the feeling is like.
© 2013 Ethan Raver
Added on April 24, 2013
Last Updated on April 24, 2013
Tags: #Perseverance, #Life
Ethan RaverAfton, NY
Hi. Im ethan. I have a big imagination and years full of pain and happy memorys. Im new to poetry but it is very emotional, my freinds and a teacher likes them :D. more..