Whisper Twilights Fall

Whisper Twilights Fall

A Poem by E.P. Robles

metaphysical imagery, using the celestial to symbolize deep emotional and spiritual truths.

While day turned to evening
I had given up my ghost
to all the events of life,
its heavy burden and boast.

Yet in the quiet twilight's fall,
I felt the stars begin to call,
whispering secrets I had lost�"
reminders of what matters most.

The moon, a mirror of my soul,
reflecting truths I couldn't hold,
cast shadows where my heart once bled,
and lit the paths I never tread.
In every silver beam, I found
the echoes of a deeper sound�"
a melody of love and light,
that softly sang throughout the night.

Beneath the weight of cosmic skies,
I saw the world through clearer eyes.
The scars of time, the hands of fate,
had painted beauty, even late.
For in the cracks of shattered dreams,
a radiant hope forever gleams,
reminding me, despite the cost,
there’s still so much that's never lost.

The night embraced me in its grace,
and wiped the tears from every trace.
I found my spirit in the glow,
where time and space no longer flow.
For in that stillness, I became
a spark within creation's flame,
and all that life had ever known
was written in my heart of stone.

:: 10.13.2024 :: 

© 2024 E.P. Robles

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Author's Note

E.P. Robles
If you search for meaning and eventual harmony with the forces of creation.

My Review

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A poem best understood by those of us of a certain age. Well rhymed and well told.

Posted 4 Days Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on October 14, 2024
Last Updated on October 14, 2024


E.P. Robles
E.P. Robles


I write a lot and I paint a lot. I think just enough that I believe I am a very crazy person at all times. I am very friendly to a fault and find life very very short. I write in bursts with each p.. more..
