Forgiven! I'll Give You a Name (Oh, and an Arm Too)

Forgiven! I'll Give You a Name (Oh, and an Arm Too)

A Chapter by Emunah June.

That morning, Hawkeye greeted me with a fresh pile of papers. "Sort these in alphabetical order," she commanded. I nodded. "No hello?" I joked, but she passed me one of those looks, so I gulped and sat down on the floor and began to work. By the time I had finished, Hawkeye was already working on her third pile. "C'mon Koda, your not going to make it in a place like this if you have that kind of speed!" she had said at one point, but that's all she said. I felt my face flush as I started on my second pile. "Yes Ma'am," was all I was able to say. At one point, I looked over to see her face. It was emotionless, but at the same time she was concentrating on the papers.


You need to turn your heart to stone....


I shook my head. That couldn't be the rule! It just couldn't be! I refused to believe that was what was expected of me. Why be excited for getting your job here if your only going to flush your personality away? It made no sense, so I just tried to focus on my work.


That's when I heard it.


It was soft and alluring. I almost had a hard time hearing it. But when I did, it caught my attention. It was a soft melody that seemed to be being played with bells. "Do you hear that, Ma'am?" I asked. Hawkeye looked up from her work. "No. Just get back to work. Don't get distracted," was her curt response as she stapled some papers together. I looked back at my papers, but then the melody seemed to get louder. As if it was calling me. Daring me to find it. I stood up. "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back," I said outloud as I left the office. Immediately, I heard it get even louder. I kept walking down the hall until it was so loud that I knew I was very close. I looked to my left, and there, left alone and abandonded, was a gray pocketwatch. I was almost too reluctant to touch it. But the melody that came from it was so beautiful, I soon found the watch cupped in my hands. The melody was hypotizing, and I felt like I could listen all day.


That's when I saw it.


The scratchy writing was written on the lid of the pocketwatch:




October 11? What could that be? I was starting to think that maybe this pocketwatch acted like the owner's diary. So, being respectful, I carefully shut the lid, thus silencing the melody. I placed it carefully back onto the bench and turned back to the office. When I returned back to Hawkeye, she simply said "That was a long bathroom break" before looking at a brand new pile of papers. I nodded. "Yeah. Sorry."




The day seemed to slip out from under me, because soon it was late and time to go home. "Scheizca, are you--" I began to say before I realized that I was going home alone today. I gulped as I looked out the window. It was raining out, today harder than ever. "Sigh....oh well," I whispered to myself. I began to leave when I heard someone calling me.


"Koda! Koda!"


I turned around to see Al. "Hey Al. What's wrong?" I asked. He came over to me, sounding distraught. "It's Ed! He's broken his arm and leg! Please come and fix it! Please!" Al said, grabbing my hand. "Oh...." I said. Al was beginning to make these noises as if he was in pain. "Please! Koda! He can't do anything without them!" he pleaded again. I nodded. "Sure! Take me to him!"




Al ran pretty fast for a soul trapped in armor. It was hard to catch up with him. Suddenly, he ran outside and screamed to me "Hurry! He's over here!" he cried. "Was he fighting when they broke?" I asked over the noise of the rain and his armor rattling. "Yeah, and he's badly injured too! Please Koda! I think you're the only one who can help him now!" Al screamed over the noise. He turned a sharp corner and when I turned around, I saw two things: I saw a big gate that was broken and forced open, and a bloody stump on the ground. Al leaned over Ed's body. "Ed! Ed! Koda's here! She's going to fix your arm and leg while I go get medical attention! Ed, wake up!" Al was shouting. I looked closer to see all the damage. Ed was knocked out, his face covered in blood. Half his black shirt was cut off, exposing where his bare skin and AutoMail arm met. His arm was in pieces on the ground, as well his leg. "Edward!" I breathed habitually. I forced myself to see the worse of his injuries. There was a large gash in his chest, but far from the heart, which offered some relief. I knelt down and gently touched his face. It was warm, so there was no worry for him being in a coma. "Al, go get help for his injuries. I'll watch him for you," I said to Al. Al was shaking. "But....but....his AutoMail! Will you fix it while I'm away?" he asked. "Al, I can't right now! He's going to lose too much blood if we don't treat these injuries. Besides, I don't think I have the right tools right now. Now go, Al! Go!" I said, and Al rushed off. I turned my gaze back to Ed. It was so nerve rattling to see such a strong willed person in such a condition. I dared myself to feel the gash on his chest. It felt fresh and warm, the blood still spilling out. I pressed both my hand together. "Allright, Ed, let's see if I can get you awake," I said outloud as I pressed my hands onto his chest. I pushed harder and harder each time, trying to get his heart to jumpstart and wake him up.




"Um...okay, let me try this," I said outloud again. For some reason, believing I was talking to him made me feel better. I slapped his face a couple of times, but he still kept his eyes closed. I swallowed hard. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him a couple of times.




I put my finger a little below his nose. Sure enough, he was breathing. He must have been knocked out cold, then, to not wake up at all. The rain came down even harder, and it was only then that I realized he wasn't wearing his red coat. He was exposed to the rain, especially since half his shirt was gone. My worry was that he'd catch cold, or maybe something even worse. "Allright, Ed, you'd better thank me when you wake up!" I said, my face red as I unbuttoned my jacket. Thank goodness for the white shirt underneath! I took off my jacket and placed on top of him. Now I was wearing my uniform pants, shoes, and a white collared shirt. The rain fell for what felt like forever until Al finally came back with Colonel Mustang and some medical officials. "Thanks for taking care of him, soldier! Quick guys! Take him inside!" Colonel Mustang called the medical staff to pick him up. "Keep the jacket on him. He'll catch cold if you take it off," I warned the Colonel. He nodded, then went with the men who took Ed away. I swallowed hard. Al left with them, and I stood in the rain, staring at the blood that was being washed away by the rain and into the nearest drain.




I got home and threw up without warning. All over the carpet. When I was finshed, I said "Oh man," and tried to clean it up the best I could. I had just put seperator in the carpet when Scheizca came home. "Oh goodness, what's that smell?" Scheizca asked the second she walked in the door. "I threw up. Sorry. I'm cleaning it up," I said. After she went back to her room to read her book, I went to the phone and dialed Winry's number. "Hello?" Winry asked a second later. "Winry! It's me, Koda. I need to talk to you."


"They are WHAT?" Winry screetched the second I told her about Ed and Al being in the military. "Yeah, I bumped into him during my interview with the Colonel. He's a real jerk. But he recently had an accident. Something happened, and now I have to rebuild not only his arm, but his leg too," I sighed. I heard Winry making "ah ah ah ah" noises, then she spoke again. "Ooh those two....their going to get it when I see them again!" Winry squeaked. I smiled. "Well, anyways, main point is, do you think I'm gonna mess up Ed's repair?" I asked. Winry was silent for a while. Then she spoke. "You've seen me and Grandma build new models for him, haven't you? Just do that."


"Just do that". You make is sound easy!


"Allright. Thanks Winry. Tell Grandma I miss her," I said.


"Allright Koda. Take care. G'bye."




That night, I stayed up late, reading "BLOOD AND BATTLE: ANARCHY SEASON". I had to know more about it. But soon my eyelids got heavy, and I couldn't force them to work anymore. I fell asleep, book presseed against my chest.


The next morning, I was getting changed into my uniform when I realized I didn't have a uniform shirt anymore. "Scheizca, I hate to ask you this but do you have an extra uniform shirt I could wear?" I asked. Scheizca, who was cooking breakfast, said "Where's the one you had?"


"I had it away yesterday."

"For what? Was there some sort of charity?"

"No. Didn't the rumor get around?"

"What rumor?"

"The one about Edward. You didn't hear?"

"No! Tell me!"

"It's nothing. It'll probably be all the buzz today."

"Well....okay. There's an extra uniform shirt upstairs."


I went upstairs and soon found the shirt. Sadly, it was a little tight around my chest, so I wasn't too happy. But it was the best Scheizca could do. Scheizca seemed to notice this. "That's a little tight. Are you sure you wanna go in looking like that?" she asked. I nodded. "Can't miss work, gotta make money!"




When I got to office, Hawkeye didn't look at me even once. I was nervous, and I wondered if she even knew I was here. "Um...good morning Miss Hawkeye," I said, but she graced me with no sort of response. So I sat on the floor. " there any work for me?" I asked her, but she didn't say anything. "Miss Hawkeye?" I whispered. She suddenly looked up from her papers. "Oh! Koda! I didn't know you were in! Sorry, I've been thinking about some things. So sorry," she said as she handed me a pile of papers. "Work is really coming in! We are going to be sooo busy!" Hawkeye said enthusiastically. I looked at her funny. What was up with the mood change? Normally, she's quiet and hardly ever speaks. But today....I took the papers and began my work. I decided to keep conversation alive. "I didn't know the military had to do so much work! Where does all this come from?" I asked. Hawkeye tapped her finger on her lips. "Hmm...well, it mainly comes from people who require our services. Written out requests and notices, advertisments, endorssment deals, and junk mail. But whatever. All you and I have to do is put it in order and staple it. Allthough, it's easier said than done, huh?" she said after a while. I sighed, then laughed. "Miss Hawkeye, you're so happy today. Did something happen?" I asked. She nodded. "I'm going to get a promotion! Colonel Mustang told me so! I'm so excited! I wont have to be in this cramped office anymore!" she said, laughing. I smiled. "Cool! That is something to be happy about!" I said, trying to show her I was happy for her. Hawkeye smiled, then went back to her work. As I sorted through the papers, I began to get flashes of Ed, bloodied and beaten. It scared me to see him like that and, suddenly, I wanted to know if he was okay.


I didn't wonder for long.


There was a knock at the office door, and Hawkeye said "Come in!" In stepped the Colonel. "Hello girls. I won't be bothering you for long. May I borrow Koda for a second?" he asked. I nodded and told Hawkeye I'd be back soon. This seemed to kill her good mood some, but she nodded. As the door closed, the Colonel said "I assure you know what this is about, right?".


I nodded. "Fixing Ed's AutoMail. Right."




Colonel Mustang took me to a door that said "Infirmary". "He's in there. Just go in, do your thing, and get back to office, okay?" he instructed. "Yes sir, I will," I nodded, and he walked back to his office. I exhaled, then grabbed the doorknob. When I walked in, my face must have been red, because I felt hot. "Hey Ed. Feeling any better?" I asked. Ed was laying in a bed, looking tired. He looked over at me, then sighed. "Not really. But I'm used to this sort of pain. Why are you here?" he asked. I gulped. "Well, I'm here to fix your AutoMail and to ask you what happened. Why were you so bloody?" I asked as I pulled out a stool and brought it next to his bed. As I sat down, he sat up. I noticed his hair was down (which I must admit, he looks like a girl. Keeping in a braid is much better!) and tried not to laugh. "Well, I....uh....fought with a homonculus. That's pretty much it. And I lost. Badly," he said. I scratched my head. "Homunculus? Whats that?" I inquired, and he seemed frustrated. I sighed. "Well anyway, I'm going to get my tools and come and fix your arm and leg, okay?" I said as if I was asking permission. Ed didn't respond as I left, but on the way out, I bumped into Al. "Hey Al! Hows it going?" I asked, trying to sound cheerful. "Oh, hi Koda. It's going okay I guess. How's Brother? Is he okay?" Al asked. I nodded. Al walked into the infirmiry as I walked to the Colonel's office.


"A wrench?" he asked. I nodded. "Yes sir, I need one to finish Ed's repairs. Do you have a spare one anywhere?" I asked, trying to sound polite. "Um, yeah. Give me a second," he said as he went through a box under his desk. When Colonel Mustang pulled out a wrench, I smiled. "That's perfect sir. Do you mind if I use it?" I asked. Colonel Mustang put it on his desk. "Yeah sure. Just don't lose it," he said. I nodded, saluted him, and left the room.


I was surprised to find many more tools back in the infirmiry. "I brought them. I thought that you might need them," Al said when I walked in. Al had already set up Ed's IV fluids (the wires connect to his nerves, so it REALLY hurts sometimes) and Ed looked ready and prepared. "Allright. I think this is everything. You ready?" I asked. Ed nodded, and he looked at Al. "Oh right!" Al said.


Never in my life had I been more embarrased.


Al walked over to the side of Ed's bed and began to help Ed pull his shirt off. "Hey hey now! What's all this for?!" I asked, my face blushing. "You need to fix the base of the AutoMail too. Y'know, where my skin and the metal connect? That got a little messed up too," Ed replied, as if this was something I was supposed to know. I swallowed hard. "Um...allright," I said as I bent down to reach the base of his metal for his arm. As I began to work, I felt my face get redder and redder each time I felt his breath go down the back of my neck, or when my fingers slipped to touch his skin. It was sweaty, but at the same time, cool and relaxed. I exhaled in tiny breaths, and I felt as if I might pass out. What was wrong with me? I was halfway done with his arm when he began to thrash around. "Ah!" he would scream, and I'd say "I'm sorry Ed. I'm almost done." It wasn't too much of a comfort, as he thrashed around and screamed many more times.


I wondered what people on the opposite side of the door thought was happening in here.


I blushed at the thought. Finally, his arm was finished, and his leg was a breeze. When all repairs were finished, I sighed, happy to be in my personal bubble and for to have finally completed a succesful repair. "Test it out," I commanded. He did, and each of his fingers and toes moved perfectly. I asked him to try and stand up, but I had to hold him while he moved (which made my face go red too). Ed seemed grateful. "Thanks. I owe you one," he said as he sat back down on his bed. I smiled. "I'd do it again if I had to. No worries!" I exclaimed. Ed smiled. "Well, I have to get back to office now. Have a good day and uh....I'll see you around," I said before I stopped to think about that time in the hall.


See you tomorrow....soldier.


"Edward. See you around, Edward," I said a moment after. The look on his face was one of surprise and confusion, and even when I shut the door, I could still feel it. I gave him something he didn't give me--a name.

© 2011 Emunah June.

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O.O a lot of stuff happening here! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Woah... its so weird to she the characters from the view of a different person....

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 11, 2010
Last Updated on January 1, 2011


Emunah June.
Emunah June.

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