Forgotten! Edward, Are You Listening to Me?

Forgotten! Edward, Are You Listening to Me?

A Chapter by Emunah June.

It took awhile, but I was able to rescue all 27 hostages. Afterwards, the officers shut down the building down due to health issues, and called for ambulances. One of the victims was a little girl. "Are you okay?" I asked her, holding her hand. Her face was green, and her whole body was shaking. "I don't feel good. My tummy..." she said before she leaned over and threw up. I closed my eyes and waited for her to finish. "I'm sorry," she said after she was done, "I have Tailor's Child." I smiled and pat her head. "So do I. I know how you feel," I said as I sat down and let her sit on my lap. When the ambulance came, I asked kindly for them to take her first. When she got on, she said "Get well soon," to me before they shut the doors. I smiled. "Good work today, newbie," I heard a voice from behind me. It was the black haired man (General Archer, wasn't it?). "Um, thank you sir. I tried my best," I answered back. "Don't get cocky. You did good now, but wait until it's a life or death situation. If I heard correctly, you have Tailor's Child, don't you? The people Colonel Mustang is letting in the military these days..." he said as he sat next to me and lit a cigarette. I covered my nose. "Sorry....I don't do well with secondhand smoke," I explained as I scooted away from him. "Whatever. Anyways, what's your name? I'm Frank Archer," he said, extending his hand for me to shake. "Uh...Koda," I timidly answered as I shook his hand. Then, General Archer looked my directly in the eyes and asked me a question that (I would find) would shake my very being:


"Are you like the rest of us? Do you crave power?"


The question hung in the air for a few minutes. "Do I....crave power?" I repeated, a little frightened. A saw a glint of amusement pass through his eyes. "Yes. That's why people come to the military---for power. Is that why you're here?" he asked again as he shook ash off the cigarette. I stared down at my boots. ", I'm here to pay for my family back home. We're in a bit of a rut down there," I answered, not daring to meet the General's eyes. Then, I felt his hand touch the top of my head. "You're cute. I can't see you being in the military," he said softly. I felt myself blush. "Well, thanks, but....I need to get prove my point and to get money," I answered, trying to slyly move away from him. I felt my fists clentching. "A point? To whom may I ask?" General Archer asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Edward Elric," I said through clentched teeth. I heard him giggle, and he was about to say something before Hawkeye called to me. "Thank you General, but my time for conversing is over."




"You did well," Hawkeye said that night as we packed up the office. "Thank you," I said quietly. Hawkeye cleaned up the papers on her desk into a neat pile. "I overheard you talking to that little girl. I didn't know you had Tailor's Child," she said, sounding interested in such a topic. I was quiet, mumbling a small "Yeah," as I swept the floor. The dog sat up from the floor and ran to Hawkeye's feet. "Does the Colonel know?" she asked. I stopped moving. "No," I said quietly. When Hawkeye spoke again, she sounded irritated. "That's a form of lying to the government. You'll have to tell him sometime, you know," she said as she picked up a paper that flew away in the wind. "I know, but what he doesn't know won't do him too much harm. After all," I said, moving again. I felt my eyes swell up with tears. "I need to prove to Ed that I can be strong. He doesn't think I can," I choked out. Hawkeye didn't say anything more, and after I said goodbye, I let the tears flow. I walked down the hall, my face a mess.




I turned around, wiping my face. Al stood there, looking at me. "Al....hey," I said, trying to sound cheerful through my tears. "You're crying," Al said as he walked over to me. "I--I---I'm fine, Al, really. It's just....I've got alot on my mind," I told him. Al sighed. "Is it Brother?" he asked. "Well....uh....he's contributing to it, I suppose. But it's more of a mental thing Al. I'll be allright," I assured him. I didn't think he believed me, and I was right. "You don't look like you'll be okay. Wanna talk about it?" he asked gently, placing one of his large metal arms around my shoulder. ", it's allright. Scheizca's going to be waiting for me," I answered. I walked down the hall, and Al called out to me. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I still have the crystal!" I stopped long enough to smile, and said "Thanks Al," before I walked into the bathroom and got sick.




You need only to care about gunshots and paperwork.


You need to turn your heart to stone.


All of Hawkeye's sayings were rushing around in my head as Scheizca and I drove home. Were they all true? Were these sayings, these ones that made me shiver in my seat, the reason my old friend was a jerk? I didn't know. But all I knew was that the military seems to change people. Even Scheizca seemed to be someone different as soon as we got to Central. I soon found myself beginning to wonder who Hawkeye and Colonel Mustang were when we weren't at Central. Where they any different? Or were they the same? When we got to the house, I stayed in my room until Scheizca came in with dinner.


"Y'know..." I said as I scarfed down my rice and meatballs, "I didn't know being backup meant so much thrill." Scheizca looked down at her food, then pushed up her glasses. "It was only your first mission. If it was that exciting, then I can't wait till Anarchy Season!" she exclaimed. I stopped moving. "Anarchy Season? What's that?" I asked, probably sounding impudent and stupid. "Anarchy Season is in mid-fall. That's when all the really big incidents seem to take place., like robberies to heists to life or death battles," she explained. Then she passed a large green book to me. "Here's a book about it," she said happily. I looked at the title. "BLOOD AND BATTLE: ANARCHY SEASON". What an interesting title! I almost cracked the book open right there, before Scheizca began talking. "Koda, you'll have to come home yourself tommorrow, okay? I have to sort the Colonel's library alphabetically," she announced. I nodded. "Allright. I think I know the roads well enough. If I don't, I'll just walk."




"We're leaving Koda. Pack your things," Mother had said for a third time. "No! I don't want to leave! I'd be leaving Winry behind!" I said, crying. "Koda, we all have to make a sacrafice. Hurry and pack," she said. I shook my head. I pushed my mother aside. "I'm going to Winry's!" I screamed as I ran out the door. I only made it halfway before I ran into Grandma. "Grandma! Help me! Their going to take me away from you!" I cried, tears leaking out of my eyes. She pat my head. "What's wrong?" she asked. My mother and father finally caught up with me. "Honey, we have to leave. Thank you Pinako for catching her," Mother said as she had grabbed my arm. "Grandma!" I said again, hoping she'd do something. My prayers seemed to be answered, as Grandma had placed her hand on my shoulder. "I'll take care of her for you until you come back. I think Winry would like that," she said. My mother shook her head violently. "I'm keeping my baby!" she said. Grandma smiled. "Allright. Well, Winry will be sad, but what can you do?" she had said. "Grandma! Grandma please! Don't let them take me away!" I cried again. My mother loostened her grip on my arm. Then, she bent down to my eye level. "Would you like to stay with Winry and Pinako?" she asked, her voice choked. I nodded. "Well, okay...I'll write to you all the time, and I promise I'll come back," she said. With that, she gave me a hug goodbye before she walked away with my father, not looking back once.




"Mother!" I screamed outloud as I sat up in bed. My stomach was twisting and turning, and I was barely able to stagger to the bathroom to get sick. All the noise woke Scheizca. "Koda! Are you allright?" she asked, worried. After I was finished, she gave me a cloth to wipe my mouth. "No. I'm broken."

© 2011 Emunah June.

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Wow Archer's such a creeper! And I feel really bad for Koda! :(

Posted 13 Years Ago

:'( Poor Koda.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 11, 2010
Last Updated on January 1, 2011


Emunah June.
Emunah June.

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