New Girl! The Hostages, The Forgotten Name, and the Death of Edward Elric

New Girl! The Hostages, The Forgotten Name, and the Death of Edward Elric

A Chapter by Emunah June.

That evening, Roy told me the hours of when to be here, and what I'd be doing in my spare time when no one needed me on the battlefield. "Just never be late and do a good job and I have a feeling that you'll soar through all promotions pretty quickly!" he said, laughing. "Which is not what I can say for Fullmetal. He never behaves," he said. I laughed. "Yeah, Ed's like that, isn't he? Oh well. I guess some things won't change, no matter how old he gets," I said, joking with Roy. Roy coughed before talking again. "How long have you and Ed been friends?" he asked. "Since we were both 6 years old. We're both 15 now," I replied. Roy pat my head. "Well, I sure hope that feelings of friendship don't get in the way of line of work, Miss Koda," he said. "Trust me, they won't," was my reply. Roy smiled."Good. Well, I have to go. See you tomorrow," he said as he walked away. I waited in the lobby until Scheizca came back. "Oh hey, you got the job?" she asked. I nodded. "Well then, Miss, my name is Scheizca," she said, introducing herself. "I know. Roy told me," I answered. "Oh! Never call him Roy. You're not an aquaintance anymore. You're an employee. Everyone must call him Sir or Colonel Mustang. Okay?" she warned. I nodded. "Yes Ma'am!" I said in my most friendly tone. It was quiet before she talked to me. "You have a place to stay?" she asked. I shook my head. "My home is two towns over. I'll have to rent an apartment or something," I said. Scheizca sighed. "Why don't you stay with me? I have enough room," she offered. I smiled. "Well thanks, Scheizca, that's really nice of you, unlike SOMEONE," I shouted through the hall. I sure hoped Ed heard me. "Err, okay...." Scheizca laughed. I smiled, then felt my stomach turning.


Oh no.


"Scheizca, where's the bathroom?" I asked. She was silent. "It's down the hall. Why? Are you--" she began before I bolted. I ran across the hall, covering my mouth. When I reached the bathroom, I slammed the door shut and threw up. It was so loud that I felt my cheeks turning red as I got sick. When I was finished, I washed my face and pat some toilet paper around my mouth. When I opened the door, I saw Ed standing there. "Already?" he asked. I sighed. "I can't help it. I wish I could," I said silently. "If you throw up over a simple interview with Colonel I-Can-Do-Everything, then you've entered your worst nightmare," he said silently. I held my breath. "Ed....did I do something to make you hate me? Because you..." I began before he looked me straight in the eyes and walked the other way. "Ed! Ed!" I called after him. "I'll see you tomorrow...soldier," he told me over his shoulder.


Something inside me broke. I felt as if he 'd fogotten everything about me. What had I done? Where was the Ed from so long ago? Where did he go? Wherever he was, I found myself longing for him to come back, because this Ed was stuck-up and acted so cool that he was too busy with his dizzying world to notice me. Too busy to notice me missing the old Ed. Too busy to see me missing the heart Ed had so long ago. What had happened that made him this way? I stood there, waiting to see if maybe he'd turn around and say sorry. But no, he turned the corner and didn't look back. Tears filled my eyes. "Are you okay?" I heard Scheizca call from behind me. "I'm...hurt," I called to her, and she came over to my side.


Suddenly, I missed Winry. I missed Grandma. I missed home. I didn't want to be here anymore. This must be my punishment for lying. Being stuck here, tears running down my face.


He's funny, he's good looking, and he isn't mean to me.


All of these things seemed to have dissapeared through the years.


Edward's dead.....Edward's dead!


How right I was.




"Make yourself at home," Scheizca said as she unlocked the door to her small home. I smiled, then gasped when I saw all the books upon books packed on the floor. I'm not kidding when I say that the stacks reached the ceiling! "So....I found out your hobby," I joked. Scheizca smiled. "I really like to read, in case you didn't know that. Anyways, let me show you the guest room," she said. I looked around the home, and it seemed as if Scheizca had no order in her life at all. Even the furniture was thrown across the home. When we got to the guestroom, she smiled. "Here you are. Hope it's enough to suit your tastes," she said politely. The room (surprisingly) was clean! There was a made bed in the room, with a desk, bedside table, and a reading lamp. "It's the only clean room in the house. It's only clean because I don't go in there! Heh heh..." she joked. I laughed with her. Well, Scheizca, thank you very much and I'll make sure to keep it clean."


That night, I couldn't sleep. The room was dark, and the bed was unfamliar. I felt tears building up in my eyes, and I made no sound. 


Get used to this, Koda I told myself, cuz it's only gonna get worse from here.




The next morning, I called home. "Hey Koda! How are you doing?" Winry asked when I picked up. I first asked why she was up at 5:00 in the morning, and she said "I am going to get up early now to do repairs around town for Grandma. We're going to get money, one way or another," she said. "Well, I get my first paycheck on Friday, so just wait. Tell Grandma I miss her," I said. I heard soft sounds on the other end of the line. "Winry? Are you crying?" I asked. "Y-Yes..but I'll be fine. Take care of yourself, Koda," she said. After we said our goodbyes, Scheizca told me it was time to go. "Allrighty then. I'm ready. Let's go!"


When we got to work, Scheizca immedietly assumed her spot behind the desk. "Um...R....Colonel Mustang said I have to go to Office H when I'm not backup. Where is that? Do you know?" I asked. Scheizca nodded. "Next to Office E, which is two corridors over," she said, pointing down a large hall. "Allright. Thanks," I said. I walked down the hall until Colonel Mustang stopped me. "I forgot. Here's your uniform," he said, handing me the same blue uniform the man in the car had. "How did you know my size?" I asked. He shrugged. "Lucky guess? Anyways, please change before you head to office," he said. I nodded. "Yes sir," I said as I walked to the bathroom. As soon as I changed, I headed to Office H. It was easier to find than I thought. When I stepped inside, I saw a blonde haired woman sitting at her desk. Her hair was pinned up, and sitting beside her was a small black and brown dog. "Who are you?" she asked when I walked in. " name is Koda, and I just started working here. The Colonel said for me to go to Office H when I'm not'am..." I said immedietly, my stomach jumping. "Oh...well then, my name is Riza, Riza Hawkeye. Nice to meet you," she said in a firm tone. I could tell that she was a bona-fide military woman, no questions asked. "Um...what do I do here?" I asked, probably sounding stupid. "You work. I'll give you half my stack," she said as she cut the pile of papers on her desk in half and gave it to me. "Thank you Ma'am," I said as I took the pile and sat on the floor. "Sorry, it'll have to be this way until your desk comes in," she said, not even looking at me. "Yes Ma'am, I understand," I said, trying not to get on her bad side, because from her demeanor, I'd regret it.

After a whole hour of work, my hand and eyes were tired. I had written so much, and read so much, I felt overworked. But I kept telling myself the same thing I had told myself last night:


Get used to this, because it's only gonna get worse from here.


"Hawkeye!" I heard Colonel Mustang call when he opened the door. I had just stapled some papers together when he walked in. "It's your turn for backing up a mission. There's a hostage situation downtown. Why don't you take Miss Koda with you? I'd be good experience," he said, looking down at me. I blushed. "Oh...well....allright Colonel," Hawkeye said as she stood up from her desk and saluted Colonel Mustang. He saluted back and left the room. "C'mon Koda. We have work to do," she said, throwing me a gun and two magazines.






"No," Al said that day we were sitting in the park. "No? No what?" Winry asked. "No, he doesn't like her," he said sadly. I had overheard, and my little heart broke. "Koda...." Winry had said, touching my shoulder. I faked a smile. "That's okay. I'll get over it. After all, he likes you Winry," I said. Al smiled. "Yeah, totally! He does!" Al said, laughing. "Why?! Did you ask him?" Winry screamed, annoyed. I kept my mouth shut as Ed walked over to the park. "Hey guys! What are we going to play today?" he asked. Al shrugged. "It's Koda's turn to pick," he said. I gulped, not looking at Ed. "I....uh....don't feel good. I'm going to go home."




The hostage situation was one I'd only think I'd hear of in the newspaper. There were military officials everywhere, and the building was large and spooky looking. "We have you surrounded," a black haired military officer called into a bullhorn, "Come out with all your hostages or we'll come in." The building lay quiet as I loaded my gun. "Good preparations rookie. Keep it up, " Hawkeye said as she cocked her own .99 mm. Suddenly, a man peered out the window. "I refuse! Get your negotiater on the phone or all 27 people in here get killed!" he cried to the officer with the bullhorn. The officer pulled out his cell phone. "Get Mustang. He's asked for negotiations."



Hawkeye and I sat, attentive and alert. "Um, Miss Hawkeye....what do we do now? I mean, what if we get called in?" I asked. She looked at me. "Rescue all vicitms, capture all offenders. That's the main rule when it comes to hostage situations. Sometimes, officers are just here for show," she said, polishing the hole of the gun and making sure her fingers were far away from the trigger. I looked down at my lap. "Um....allright," I answered a while after. Hawkeye sighed. "You can't be so quiet and passive if your going to be in the military. Your heart needs to turn to stone, and you need to only care about gunshots and paperwork," she said a moment later. I swallowed hard. "Is that....what happened to Ed?" I asked her. Hawkeye looked at me, surprised. "You know Ed? From where?" she asked. "We were friends....some long time ago....." I answered as I looked back at the building. "Hmm.....he's never talked about you. Do you know Al?" she asked. I nodded. "I wouldn't imagine he would."


"Hawkeye, Mustang was unable to make legal negotiations with the offender. Get yourself in there," the black haired man said. "Yes, General Archer. We're on it," she said. "Allright Koda, now's our time to shine. Let's go," she said as she ran to the door. I picked up my gun and ran along with her.


You need only to care about gunshots and paperwork.


I tried to become one with Hawkeye's saying as we entered the building. The first thing we noticed was the musty smell and the rats that had nested in almost every place possible. "This is awfully unsanitary. These hostages could get fataly sick if they stay in this building for more than 12 hours," I said, observing the rest of the building. "Good eye, but we need to rescue all victims and capture all offenders. Let's go," she said as we ran up a long staricase. Finally, Hawkeye kicked the door open and pointed her gun into the room. "Freeze!" she cried, and the same man that had talked out the window was standing there. "Oh, they've sent in officials have they? I warned them!" he said. Then he peered out the window. "All people in this building will be killed! Including the two you've sent in!" he cried. I held him at gunpoint. "Where are your hostages?" I asked firmly, or as firmly as I could get. "Oh don't worry, you'll see them, because your all going to that same place!" he said as he tried to run past us. Hawkeye, however, lived up to her name, and seemed to see his move before he even took it. She knocked him out by hitting the back of his neck with the bottom of the gun. "Koda! Rescue the hostages! I'll take this lowlife down to the others," she said as she threw handcuffs on the mans hands. I nodded as I ran out of the room and began to explore.

© 2011 Emunah June.

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"How did you know my size?" "Lucky guess?" XD that makes me wonder what goes on in Roy's mind! And if I were Koda being called out to a hostage situation, I would be hyperventilating!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I don't know about Koda, but if I were in her place, I'd be having panic attacks and end up shooting the wrong person....

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 11, 2010
Last Updated on January 1, 2011


Emunah June.
Emunah June.

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Shalom Alechiem! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Emmy, and I've been on this site for a long, long time. There was an admitted period of absence, and for that I apologize, but I am back no.. more..


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