I am wholly feminine,
but something about me is brash and matter-of-fact.
It's made people seek me with distasteful neediness.
Rarely have I been the first choice.
And each time I thought I was
I was nothing more than a body wall;
poor boy said he loved me, but he was more interested
in the things behind my zipper than the things behind my heart.
And I am wholly feminine, but something about me
I find absolutely distasteful.
Maybe someday someone will come along
and make it all make sense.
Clocks tick silently, slowly,
and pieces of me are lost in the flow of curiosity.
Puzzling, yet absolutely enticing.
It is the baptism of youth that I find so great and grand.
I write to please, who?--many.
An audience of people with jingling pockets
and rioting spirits
who might understand the pain, yet not quite.
I am wholly feminine, but something about me
is much too bare for the naked eye.
I've opened floodgates for waters too rough to swim
but I'm trying anyway--I have abandoned all meekness.
Or weakness, as they call it, can it be found in these words?
Simply put: yes. Because the way I see it,
I've shot stars too low; I have an audience of flesh
rather than the eyes of angels--I am the only one to blame.
It is these items of sin that I purchase
that forget my name but remember my mistakes.
I am wholly feminine, but I am not
holy feminine.
I find no bliss in an identity wrapped in lust and lies.
I take things one step at a time, recover, and lose
all scrap metal junk never meant for me:
the things I called "friends", I suppose I'll never know.
But I know I can be a mouthpiece of God
by the way that I live; the way I am seen.
People know I was born covered in skin.
I have no need to dress as if I'm to prove that point.
Luxuries of Lucifer, listen to this warning:
I see your offers, how I supposedly do this for free.
I'll take these things you present at my feet
and use them to glorify the King.
I am wholly feminine, and there are things about me
that will forever be imperfect.
But I'll paint portraits of praise with the colours of my sins;
become a prophet for the lonely, the anthem of the fearful.