Marmalades of Heaven [Nation Of The Cross]

Marmalades of Heaven [Nation Of The Cross]

A Poem by Emunah June.

Such desire; it is the only reason anything ever makes sense.


Sea foam collects on the lips of the thirsty

Like overflowing blessings in collective disability

And I am that grace once lost, never found

For just a second of clarity, fractioned by the shattered glass

Of uncertainty, darkness, and everything inbetween

On a scale that rises and falls with each pull that collapses underneath the stars

Open doors splinter with each prayer I echo out

In the glades of confusion, with only a single arrow

Pointing north, somewhere in the far out horizons

Split unevenly, dripping casual daydreams

Into my palms, fresh cut, ready to bleed

Such desire; it is the only reason anything ever makes sense.

This is life for the lifeless, a thought for the thoughtless

Like a home for the rich who are feeling rather homeless

Nonsensical dreams encourage memories that never existed

And tongues beget sorrows, scented like wet grain

It's no death we've ever yet experienced, but in this box we've built

Our hands are stained with oil & elbow grease from the aches of strangers.

I remember when I geared up for wars that weren't there

Fighting for causes not a soul had yet discovered

Where cores became numb and eyes closed to the realities of tomorrow

If only for the fact that the lies of the present were a much more pleasant idea

Pieces of me wonder if they've ever met a deeper fear

Where only puddles of dark water rest, in a cold and desolate brokenness

It's a sad world we live in when we're willing to sell our souls

For a moment of feeling real, yet we dare to act surprised

When we wake up and find out sheets stained with the satire of falsehood

But nothing within finds it even remotely funny until it's far too late

For anyone to follow us down beneath the graves we dug with rusty shovels

Eyes scooped out with silver spoons just for a little bit of money

Yet it is those who follow the cross that are eternally blessed

Because they are the only ones who come upon the wasteland of glass

And willingly take off their shoes just to trudge a little closer to a throne they fear

Yet dream about anyway, because of the treasures underneath the feet of the King

Who promises them a brighter future amidst the dust and grit

They can taste the honey of the galaxies because their cups were never dry

If city walkers dressed in drag can gather so much attention

Then surely the holy are the center of clarity, yes?

No! We are lost in translation with the pills and the syrups

Because we awaken the notion of peace rather than dull the sting of hatred

We choose Jesus over pleasure, because he who pleases the flesh

Pleases nothing more than the Band-Aid they've worshipped all this time.

It's nothing worth losing sleep over, so why are we all so restless?

We drink the nectar of dying flowers just to weaken the senses

Feeling senseless, lost in an empty space of "what ifs" and "if onlys"

Dropping the key on our walk to the cells

Then screaming at the God they claim isn't home

Ignoring the chains that have always been broken around our ankles.

© 2015 Emunah June.

Author's Note

Emunah June.
So this poem is partially a free write, partially a response to everything that's going on with ISIS. I feel so sick and disgusted that my brothers & sisters in Christ are getting slaughtered like pigs because they refuse to denounce their faith. It upsets me even more so that our so called Chief In Command has done next to nothing to resolve the issue. We have little military fighting back against the threat, and as a result, Christians are becoming nothing more than a memory in the Middle East.

Please pray.

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I feel the same way when i wrote "My thoughts" the fact that i stare and see what one day could be me is a scary thought. Not because of me but because of my family they are my everything and im glad we feeling the same way faith. This is amazing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Emunah June.

9 Years Ago

Thank you Tyrone :)

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1 Review
Added on February 25, 2015
Last Updated on February 26, 2015


Emunah June.
Emunah June.

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