Sleeping Bramble [Broken Bankers]

Sleeping Bramble [Broken Bankers]

A Poem by Emunah June.

Not entirely sure what this is, but there ya go


able bodied

back broken

labors of love

lacquered on nails

of hands that pierce

the gardens of the honest

quick vendettas

cocked back in

oiled revolvers

coffin fitting; metal spitting

darkness eclipsed

from naked centuries

in memorials trove

treasure hunters with golden sleeves

heavy metal heat seekers

targeting sea seekers and

harbingers of hatred

somewhere where distance sleeps

ragged warriors

in crimson caskets

wrapped in roses by

rosy cheeked mistresses

here in the fairytale

with coffee stained papers

million dollar lies

find sanctuary in the bushes

bit lip, FitBit Barbie dolls

with finger throat

finger foods

on the embers of a scale

success stories

in white flames

bible pages

pretty pictures

people pleading preachers

with numbers over salvations

intoxicated gardeners

with no will to nurse

the nay sayers and ner do wellers

corruption, politics, all that good stuff

to feed the fasting feeling full

kissing stone steps

in the back of the church

i loved him yet i hated

how hurtful his tongue could preach

when the glass glittered

like glue for the glutton

A penny for your thoughts

to break the broken bankers

fingers to cinch the clueless

grasping the grey and greedy

to wring the masses dry

in a pit and pendulum style of dominance

do you hear me, ye lying prophet?

hear the angry roar of the rebellious

fiendish forgiveness for the false and fabulous

rolling dice to take the tick-tocking time

from the lambs in the slaughterhouse

tears to roses; naught in disguise

© 2014 Emunah June.

My Review

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Great use of words.
"A penny for your thoughts
to break the broken bankers
fingers to cinch the clueless
grasping the grey and greedy
to wring the masses dry"
Each paragraph had reason and purpose. The above one I liked the most. World never have changed. Been led by greed. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

in a pit and pendulum style of dominance

Posted 9 Years Ago

Wow, this has to be my favorite poem I've read in a long time! I adore your use of alliteration in here, makes it flow super well. Love the word choice as well, packs a lot of great imagery in it. Think my favorite stanza was the second one, don't really know why but it was! Very well done!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 31, 2014
Last Updated on December 31, 2014


Emunah June.
Emunah June.

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