Two Wooden Arms

Two Wooden Arms

A Poem by Gordon

Memoirs of a Cross



I have but one leg

entrenched deeply in rock and sand

by men with hateful hearts

drained of pity and all compassion


I have two wooden arms

scarred by nails of lingering death

A death which shall not die

as beholders give the story breath


I have held the weight of all sins

contained within one soul

I have shared a sacred bond

of a broken man; a spirit made whole


"Father, forgive them;

for they know not what they do," He cried

and with a triumphant last breath

a paradox declared, "It is finished."


I have seen many crucified

heard selfish thoughts and sentiments

but this man was no man,

His words still echo in the darkness


I have seen the executors die

their lives but a sliver in time

but my friend and I remain as one

and all that was finished by Him...


...had merely just begun

© 2015 Gordon

My Review

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Reviews is finished, was the finality suppose to be realized when his blood was shed so that no other mans' need be, but men are still full of inhumanity to man. Maybe one day the gift will be accepted and finally it will be finished. i am always awed by a man's description of god's gift of his son....

Posted 12 Years Ago

A very vivid description of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. You are right...He was not a man...he was a far more than a saint...and still is my friend...for He lives in eternity in an eternal Heaven. Your heart song is very strong in this wonderful write.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

I could not fault this amazingly beautiful poem. It was a testament to your faith, done in a most eloquent way.

Wonderfully written from beginning to end...flow and imagery spot on!

Thank you for sharing...


This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

This is incredibly powerful writing. It drips with thought and flows like a mighty river, passing through time.

' I have two wooden arms / scarred by nails of lingering death / A death which shall not die / as beholders give the story breath ' - these words encapsulate the whole.

Thank you for sharing great thought, passion and belief.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago


This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

Nice job on this one

my own work isn't spiritual, but i like other's
if it is done well

this is nice because it isn't sappy or preachy
plus there are some very strong images you have captured

"I have but one leg

entrenched deeply in rock and sand

by men with hateful hearts

drained of pity and all compassion"

nice first stanza
it really sets the table

although as i look at it i can't help but wanna read it:

I have but one leg

entrenched deep in Golgotha's rock +i thought losing the adverb and adding Golgotha+

by men with hateful hearts

drained of pity and all compassion

just a suggestion
i would probably at least lose the adverb
as it is not needed

nice write my friend

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

Wow. I was truly present in this wonderful imagery. Good job! You've told the story in a way never presented, a fresh new way!


This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on October 2, 2008
Last Updated on October 11, 2015
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