I love the truth-ness of your words. I don't like the quiet either. As you said, it "Starts talking of things you push away". All the undesirable thoughts decide to emerge into presence and sometimes, it's very torturous. I have often swirled in endless loops of thoughts and found myself crying and facing the facts. However, there are times when the quiet is a savior. Some thoughts need to be thought over, and as hard as it may be, if you manage to make your mind shut up, it's actually the best, most relaxing feeling. I'm still trying to master that.
As for the poem, I enjoyed reading it. There are these eerie feelings, and it seemed very real coming from you, as if you just put your thoughts in words, well done.
I like the quiet sometimes. It gives me time to reflect and have a deeper connection (meditation). It allows me to calm myself and find peace but at other times the silence can split my ears and make me long for companionship.
Sometimes the "Quiet" can be a double-edged sword... It can be your worst enemy and back you in a corner forcing you to think undesirable thoughts, (may be too much)... Sometimes it can be blissful, and give your mind the rest and healing that it needs. But the silence does have an effect... just a heartbeat away, truth can be revealed. Nice work!
When your soundless and quiet everything hidden inside starts to come out and haunt you in the mind and then you start thinking about it over and over again.
A good read. Lovely write :)
Emotions conveyed with the twist of words that send a powerful strength to spark in the eye of this reader. You write the last line..."I don't like the quiet", that in itself speaks volumes. When quiet fall upon your mind a reality of thoughts come seeping out of every crevice. Every doubt, every memory held back, every moment lost, all of them creep slowly to the front. But, do not forget that in the quiet is when dreams are realized, fantasy can become reality, the strength of life comes from facing the quiet.
I would say you earn quietness! You face what you are capable to handle. You are being true towards yourself! It shows you the mirror image of what's cooking inside you! It carries the company of yourself to whom you are always honest!
1. I am the girl who people say is a "dreamer" or "over imaginative"... they are correct... I am this way because I like the view from the clouds, my world looks more .. more..