Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

A Chapter by Molly


            I look up to find Levi smiling down at me. I am currently sitting outside of the door that leads into the theatre, waiting to be called in for my audition. For the past fifteen minutes I have been reciting my monologue aloud in order to make sure that I have my lines memorized. I know it back and forth, but I still can’t help but drill myself.

            I shrug and return Levi’s smile as he takes a seat next to me.

            “A little. I’ve been doing this for years so I guess I really shouldn’t be.”

            Levi nods and looks down at his hands. I can tell that he’s feeling a little uneasy considering this is his first audition.

            “What about you?”

            He laughs and looks over at me.

            “Yeah, I’m actually really nervous. If I hadn’t ran into you just now then I would have probably just chickened out and left.”

            Based on the tone in his voice and the expression he wears, I can tell that he isn’t kidding. I pat his leg a few times, feeling a bit awkward as my hand comes into contact with his jeans.

            “Just relax. I’m sure you’re going to do great. You can do your monologue for me if you want.”

            I can see Levi swallow hard before he searches my eyes for a moment. His eyes are a very pretty light blue and I can’t help but admire them.

            “Yeah…” Levi finally says, a little uncertain. “That would actually be great.”

            I watch as Levi slips his bag off of his shoulder and stands up in front of me. He shuffles his feet a couple of times and stares at the wall above me as he takes a few deep breaths.

            He really is nervous.

            He then closes his eyes and after a few seconds he opens them and surprises me when he meets my eyes and his voice comes out smooth and confident. I feel my eyes widen as I continue to watch the way his body moves as if he suddenly becomes a whole new person and listen to how strong his voice now sounds.

            He’s good. Really good.

            As I continue to watch Levi, I almost forget that he’s performing and I feel as if he’s words, emotions, actions are all real. I’ve never witnessed anything like it and I know that Levi definitely has something special.

            Finally, Levi ends his monologue and I see him close his eyes and relax his shoulders. When he opens his eyes, he gives me a nervous smile and runs a hand through his blonde hair.

            “So…what did you think?”

            I let a wide smile spread across my face and stand up from my spot against the wall.

            “What do I think? That was amazing! I can’t believe you’ve been hiding away talent like that all these years! How selfish of you.” I continue to smile at him, letting him know that I am joking.

            Levi laughs and shakes his head slowly.

            “You really think it was good?”

            I immediately nod. “Absolutely.”

            I laugh lightly as he lets out a big sigh and smiles at me. He quickly grabs his bag from off of the ground and slips it over his shoulder. I can’t help but stop and stare at his strong shoulders for a moment. Levi is lean and definitely handsome, which makes me question why I have never noticed him before. Harrison holds the title as the hottest guy at Wilson, which he rightfully deserves, but Levi is easy on the eyes as well. I’m surprised I haven’t heard girls talk about him before Harrison came to Wilson.

            Snapping out of my thoughts, I shift my eyes to meet Levi’s once and give him an awkward smile. He hasn’t seem to have notice my staring though.

            “I really hope I get in. I know it’s just a high school production, but it still means something, you know?”

            Oh, Levi. I know exactly what you mean.

            That’s what I’ve been trying to tell everyone my whole entire life. It all matters.

            I beam at him and nod. “Yes, I do.”

            He smiles back at me, looking a bit relieved by my answer.

            “I really hope you’re going for Picasso,” I state. “I was worried that we would get stuck with Ethan or Simon. Picasso is hard to pull off, but I think that you would be perfect.”

            Levi seems to perk up even more and I can’t help but feel amused by his reaction.

            “You really think so?”

            “Yes. It’s in the bag.”

            We both let out a short laugh and I can hear the door to the theatre open behind me.


            I turn around to see Caitlyn Summers, a girl who enjoys being a part of the Wilson theatre department as long as she doesn’t have to perform, smiling at me.

            “You’re up!” She states in a chipper tone and waves me toward the door.

            “Awesome.” I smile back at her and turn back to Levi for a moment.

            “Wish me luck.”

            Levi gives me a wide grin and shakes his head. “I’m sure you don’t need it, but good luck.”

            I give him a thankful smile and turn around, walking through the door of the theatre and out onto the stage.

            After my audition is over, I walk out of the theatre and pull my phone out of my pocket.


            Harrison: Your audition is today, right?”


            Harrison: Text me when you’re done.


            I can’t help but smile down at his messages as I type back a reply. My audition was close to perfect and I can’t help but be in a good mood.


            Me: Hey. Just got done.


            Harrison: I’m sitting out front of activities office.


            I take this as my invitation to join him and I slip my phone into my bag as I walk down the hallway. As I round a corner, I spot Harrison sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, looking the other direction. I slide down to the spot next to him, causing him to look over at me.

“Hey there, stranger.” I give him a large smile, which he immediately returns.

            “Hey. I’m guessing that it went well?” He lifts a brow and laughs a little.

            “Yup!” I nod, feeling excitement run through me. “I honestly think I nailed it!”

            Harrison taps my knee and winks at me.  

            “I knew that you would.”

            I don’t say anything to him because I’m too busy smiling like an idiot. It’s nice to be able to share my news with someone and have them actually interested. I learned a long time ago not to share the outcome of my auditions with my friends or parents.

            “So when do you find out whether you got the part or not?”

            “Probably Monday or Tuesday. Normally there would be callbacks, but since not a lot of people try out it’s easier for Daniels to make a decision.”

            Harrison nods and gives me a weak smile. I lean my head back on the wall and stare forward as I think about my audition once again, mentally patting myself on the back.

            “Oh! I wonder how Levi’s audition went. Darn, if only I had his number.”

            I furrow my brow and dig my phone out of my bag, making a mental note to ask him for it next time I see him. There’s no doubt in my mind that he landed the role of Picasso.

            “Why would you want his number?” Harrison’s cold tone makes me immediately turn my attention toward him. It’s the same tone he had Monday when he found me talking to Levi and I can’t help but suddenly feel confused and slightly uneasy.

            “Er…because I want to text him and find out how his audition went…” Based on the expression Harrison wears I can tell that he is not happy with my answer.

            What is his problem?

            “Couldn’t you just ask Daniels?”

            I furrow my brow and search his eyes, wondering why he is being so hostile.

            “Or I could directly ask Levi like a normal human being.”

            Harrison rolls his eyes and turns away from me, leaving me even more confused and annoyed.

            “What’s with you?” My question suddenly falls out of my mouth and Harrison snaps his eyes back toward me.

            “What?” His tone is still cold and I can’t help but feel like he’s mad at me.

            “Why do you always get so unreceptive every time Levi comes into the picture? It’s like you’re a whole other person.”

            I see Harrison’s jaw clench and he begins to glare at me.

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

            I let out an annoyed sigh and shake my head at him.

            “Yes you do. Why can’t you just answer my question. You’re acting all…jealous.”

            Harrison’s eyes suddenly turn darker and I feel my heart begin to race from the intensity behind his eyes.

            If looks could kill.

            “For the last time, Grim. I am not f*****g jealous of Levi.”

            I look down at my lap in order to escape his harsh stare and the power behind his words. I suddenly feel like a small child who has just been yelled at by her parent. How has he managed to get this kind of reaction out of me?

            I hear Harrison sigh, but I continue to keep my eyes focused on my lap. I don’t know if I can handle meeting his striking eyes again.

            “I’m sorry, Grim.”

            I’m taken back by the sincerity in his voice, but I can’t bring myself to raise my head. Instead, I just clear my throat and shrug my shoulders a little.

            “It’s fine.”

            “I can tell that it’s not,” he states flatly and I can feel his eyes on me.

            He’s right. He has managed to make me feel so small due to his powerful eyes and the wave of confusion that he has just brought over me. If he’s not jealous of Levi, than why else would he shut down and become so guarded whenever I mentioned him or was seen with him? It just didn’t make sense. Was there something that I was missing?

            “I just don’t understand why you won’t give me a straight answer,” I shrug again, keeping my voice low.

            I feel his fingers on my chin as he lifts my head so that I am now staring into his eyes. His intimidating expression is now gone, but his features are still serious as he presses his lips together.

            “I just don’t think that either of us will like or understand my answer.”

            I furrow my brow at his words, trying to think of something to say, but I am completely thrown off.

            What does that even mean?

            Harrison searches my eyes for a few more seconds before he pulls his hand away from my chin and turns to look the other way again.

            I immediately turn my eyes to my lap as I let my jumbled thoughts bounce around in my head. I already don’t understand his answer to my question, so how much worse could it possibly get?

            I move my shoulders a little in order to try to relax, but it only releases a little tension.

            What could Harrison be thinking right now? Why was he acting so weird?

            I open my mouth to say something, but I immediately close it when I hear multiple voices and pairs of feet coming down the hallway. I sneak a glance over at Harrison to see his eyes fixed on the three girls who are currently walking toward us, suddenly wearing a small smile.

            Alright, captain mood swing.

            “Hey, how’s it going?”

The girls stop talking and glance down at us, their eyes fixed only on Harrison. Their eyes grow wide and their cheeks turn red as they slowly realize who has just spoken to them. Then their eyes slide to me and together their expressions turn cold. They all flash Harrison a smile and one last death stare my way before they continue walking down the hallway, each more giddy than they were only moments ago.

“Man, they did not like you,” Harrison laughs and smiles over at me.

What is he doing? How can he smile and joke with me now when we just shared such an intense moment only a few moments ago?

“You know what, Harrison? I’m trying really hard to be your friend and understand you, but it’s really hard when you’re constantly all over the place.”

I see Harrison’s smile fall a little when he realizes that I am not in the mood for his games, but he still just shrugs and laughs at me.

“I’m hard to understand.”

“That’s for sure,” I state with a cold tone as I roll my eyes at him.

“You’re one to talk,” Harrison snaps, causing me to bring my eyes to meet his.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“I’m not the only one who’s hard to read here, Grim. You’re so damn hard to understand.”

I scowl at him, trying to figure out what to say.

“I’m not the one giving out mixed signals, Harrison.”

“The hell you’re not!” He slightly raises his  voice at me, which causes my heart to leap in surprise.

“What are you talking about? You’re the one who flirts with me, then claims that you only want to be my friend, or rather, best friend. I may have never had a best friend before, but I don’t think the way you touch me or some of the things you say are classified as just friends. However, then you turn right around and talk about sleeping with a girl or you cheat on Claire. Then you’re getting strangely defensive when I talk to or just mention Levi. What are you doing? What are we doing? Why are we sitting here? I’m tired of you just turning me around and around all the time.”

I don’t know where all of this is coming from, but rather than feeling relieved from finally admitting all of this, I feel annoyed with myself. Confessing all of my real thoughts is something that I rarely do and I can’t help but feel angry that he has managed to get this kind of reaction from me. I would have liked to keep to myself, but instead he has brought me to spill all of these thoughts that I’m still not certain about.

“We’re just friends, Ava.” Harrison states, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. Hearing him say my first name makes me feel uneasy.

“Then why do I feel like you’re not coming to terms with that.”

Harrison furrows his brow and shakes his head at me.

“What do you want from me? What is it that you want me to say?”

I frown slightly and look down at my lap, feeling small once again.

“I don’t know,” I whisper.

“Don’t tell me that you’re in love with me or something.”

His words make my eyes instantly grow wide and force me to look up at him. His expression is smooth and I feel my mouth fall open a little.

He has to be kidding. Love is the last thing I feel for him, especially right now, and I have never thought of Harrison in that way, nor will I ever. He has no appeal to me other than as a friend, which I’m not even one hundred percent sure of anymore.

“What?” I ask breathlessly. “You’re kidding, right?”

Harrison stares at me and shrugs.

“No, Harrison. I’m not in love with you. I don’t know how you got that ridiculous thought in your head, but you better get it out right now.”

I suddenly feel incredibly irritated and I don’t want to be anywhere near Harrison. This whole time I haven’t given him any reason to think I have any feelings for him, especially love, yet he still jumps to such an absurd conclusion? How dare he. How dare he think that I’m just another member of his fan club and I spend my free time drawing his name in hearts.

Harrison laughs and I feel him bump into me slightly.

“Lighten up, Grim.”

His sudden mood swing sends me over the edge and I can’t help but instantly snap at him.

“No, Harrison. I will not ‘lighten up.’ I’m pissed at you. You’re cocky and I wouldn’t be surprised if you tested positive as bipolar.”

I stop for a moment, trying to relax, but it’s no use. I’m too angry at him.

“Just get this through your head. I am not in love with you. I will never be in love with you. I will never even have any romantic interest in you, so you can get that idea out of the arrogant head of yours. I get it, okay? You don’t like me like that and you’re not trying to sleep with me, so just trust me when I say I feel the exact same way.”

I quickly get up and grab my bag off the ground, stopping to stare at him for a moment as he looks up at me. He looks as if he wants to say something, but instead he just drops his head and lets out a small sigh as he runs a hand through his hair.

That’s what I thought.

“See you in physics,” I mutter as I turn and walk down the hallway towards the doors.

            I don’t know what will happen between Harrison and me after this and frankly I don’t care. He’s the most irritating and impossible person that I have ever met and I don’t know if I want to associate myself with someone like him anymore.

            As I continue walking I don’t hear Harrison get up to follow me or call my name. Instead, we both continue to be stubborn and I can’t help but wonder if this is officially the end of my friendship with Harrison Lunn.

© 2013 Molly

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Added on June 19, 2013
Last Updated on June 28, 2013
Tags: love, teen, young adult, high school, nonfiction, dream, dance, sing, act, book



I just completed my freshman year of college and I am a Elementary Education major. I have always had a strong passion for writing and reading, so I'm always writing short stories, poems, rambles, etc.. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Molly

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by Molly

Without a Plan Without a Plan

A Book by Molly