Remembering You

Remembering You

A Poem by E.J. Michalec

I remember

Peer pressure pushed us together

But neither of us did mind

I remember

You pushed me on a swing

One made for those younger than I

I remember

Nothing holding us back

When the night welcomed us with open arms

I remember

We sat before a glowing screen

Your humor had me beaming

I remember

The feeling of your hand

Our friends giggling with delight

I remember

My cheeks that did turn rosy

As you pulled me closer

I remember

Feeling your arms around me

A sense of safety I wasn't used to

I remember

My long eyelashes blinking

They brushed against your cheekbones

I remember

My unruly blonde hair

How you pushed it behind my ears

I remember

Our friends distracted

The decision was ours

I remember

You gave me a sign in pixels

I knew that this was it

I remember

The feeling of your lips

How I shivered in disbelief

I remember

I buried my face in your chest

You took me in your arms

I remember

Feeling so secure

How you didn't want to leave me

I remember

Kissing you goodbye

Unaware of what was to come

I remember

Just wanting to love you

But you had other plans

I remember

Brief bursts of joy

Before being left in the dark

I remember

The day I grew up

Was the day you didn't want me anymore

I remember

You leaving me guessing

And asking for more chances

I remember

Begging for the answer

But you took away the key

I remember

Opening the door to adulthood

And closing the one that led to you

I remember

How sad I was

But how much it helped me grow

I remember

It was a new experience

And one I don't regret

I remember

Although this time was short lived

It's time I won't forget

© 2015 E.J. Michalec

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Added on August 11, 2015
Last Updated on August 11, 2015


E.J. Michalec
E.J. Michalec

Cleveland, OH

I'm Em. I'm 21. Poetry for me is a valve to release the multitude of pressures that come my way in life. This profile more or less has every piece I've written since I was as young as 13 and the art o.. more..
