His name was Slith, abbreviated from Slither! Why? When he was a puppy he use to run up and down the stone slabs to the rear garden and slither! The more I laughed he did it, bright that he was even then!
Over the years, this mid size fella become my guardian and best friend.
When we took on Madame he was ready for fun and games, but, she the madame she was - morbid miserable if paws got wet or she dropped a biscuit and had to eat if from the floor.. well, so disguested she'd be typically female for an entire day! But Slith was like a feral creature inasmuch, anything dropped from his dish or mouth would be chased around the floor! See, he laughed at himself and life.. any weather, any wee pain. Any canine visitors he'd welcome with a good sniff and smile.. so much so his eyes sparkled - even more!
If a knock on front door showed a man, he would be snarled at until man slightly backed away. Slith would take a paw's two, three steps forward until the stranger turned, and, tried not to run. But that dog was so friendly, if he'd been a man, he would have been awarded a plaque!
In fact, a human friend said that if a burglar tried to get in, Slith would lick him to death until barked at by Madame! Outdoors we rarely met with other dogs but if one bounded toward us m' boy told him to go away in a rather impolite manner.
Had him over a decade.. time took him poorly. I held him when he was helped to sleep. He's waiting for me, he misses that rest on my feet!
A sad yet beautiful tale of creatures become more than pets to us, with their own unique quirks and silliness, interspersed with protecting his besties (you and Madame) while you laugh at him and Madame does the canine equivalent of cocking a snook at him, whatever that means, but am pretty sure it would have been followed by the words "how frightfully common if Madame could talk! 😃
He'll be waiting for you, with a ball or stick at his side, eager to retrieve it for you and slither for you, just to hear your laugh again 😃
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
He was and always will be my darling. And yes, pretty sure he'll be waiting for me. My life has ne.. read moreHe was and always will be my darling. And yes, pretty sure he'll be waiting for me. My life has never been the same since I lost him and my little cottage. Thanks so much, Lorry
This is beautiful, it reminds me of a special bond I had with one of my dogs (but I loved them all so much). You might enjoy watching "Still Life with Animated Dogs" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkvI2Qwfd04 if you have not seen it already,
and I especially love the conclusion of your writing.
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
Will certainly find that tomorrow, Amanda! Many thanks. One thing: will I need tissues!?
1 Month Ago
yes, tissues needed, but I think it is worth it...
Just one more example of your great heart doing the kindness and compassion only the best of hearts know how to do. we have two dogs, Tipsy the Staffordshire who has perfected the "longing gaze" of true love, and Echo, the grandma who always makes way for one and all, taking the second best bed, and letting the other go first. I rue the day I'll sit with either of them and help them to sleep.
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
Is not easy but, could never let a loved one - two or four legged be alone at such a time, Vol . Am .. read moreIs not easy but, could never let a loved one - two or four legged be alone at such a time, Vol . Am
sure you'd be there, come what may.
That's a very nice, healthy looking dog. Evidence of good care. Also looks intimidating.
Posted 1 Month Ago
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2 Days Ago
You're right he was a great dog and generally healthy except for running into silly places and getti.. read moreYou're right he was a great dog and generally healthy except for running into silly places and getting trapped.. he was ever a 'lad' . But I loved him so much, did all my animals, dear friends they were, all my life so far. He could look intimidating, for sure but was in fact a soppy darling really! A friend once said that Slith would lick a burglar to death! Thank you so very much for reviewing, Daz
Pets become our faithful companions and our friends. We can tell them secrets and cry on their fur. They never betray our tales and the comforting when we are sad or sick.
I loved this tale of Slith. He is the kind of furry friend I would want. Madame on the other hand seems to prissy for the likes of me.
A sad yet beautiful tale of creatures become more than pets to us, with their own unique quirks and silliness, interspersed with protecting his besties (you and Madame) while you laugh at him and Madame does the canine equivalent of cocking a snook at him, whatever that means, but am pretty sure it would have been followed by the words "how frightfully common if Madame could talk! 😃
He'll be waiting for you, with a ball or stick at his side, eager to retrieve it for you and slither for you, just to hear your laugh again 😃
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
He was and always will be my darling. And yes, pretty sure he'll be waiting for me. My life has ne.. read moreHe was and always will be my darling. And yes, pretty sure he'll be waiting for me. My life has never been the same since I lost him and my little cottage. Thanks so much, Lorry
Ghibran, ' To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.'
More short story writer than poet but I try!
Garden designer/speaker. Enjoy theatre, cinema, the Arts. Adventu.. more..