Ahhh! Good old honey.
Simple, yet powerful.
It’s multiple personalities are refreshing.
As a first aid treatment for burns, it’s antibacterial, low PH, high viscosity, hygroscopic effect, and it’s hydrogen peroxide content all play a combined role in its effectiveness.
As a beauty cosmetic product, it’s natural humectant properties make it an effective moisturizer.The enzyme activity enables it penetrate deeply into the skin to cause hydration to the underlaying layers.
It’s dietary powers are potent thanks to rich nutrient and antioxidants.It’s bacterial properties can help with diabetic management…as part of a balanced diet.
Emmmajoy I really enjoyed reading this piece.
Indeed health is wealth
Posted 3 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Thank you so much for your richly informative review, Sarah! With all that and the truth that honey.. read moreThank you so much for your richly informative review, Sarah! With all that and the truth that honey is probably the most untainted foods ever.. (unless a disaster has taken place), it is or can be a cure for spirit and body. Have friends with hives, living within a radius of each other but the flavours and sweetness can be so different one can say that came from Lyn, Freddie or X or x's hive!
Wonderful. There can be bad or poor years for various reasons, but that - another time. Many thanks for making contact. Wishing you a greart weekend. Now, for me, back to sleep - 04.37, hoping my adult neice, present 'carer' can't here my laptop - she could hear a star go out amid a heavy metal concert!!!
2 Months Ago
This is another beautiful piece.
Thank you Emmajoy
Oh stop it Emmajoy. Aren't you sweet enough already?
Strangely enough, as I am a coffee drinker, who is now forced to drink decaff on doctors orders (which BTW I call decoffeinated, seeing as they take out the best part), I do like it in tea (Tetley freshmint, no milk please) and oh go on, one of those lovely melt in the mouth posh chocolate yum-yums!
It is also surprisingly good for the throat, which I think you might have mentioned before, so why I'm telling you I have no idea, because you already know!
Now, what Scottish delicacy could you Acrosticise?
Hmm well, I'm sure whatever it is it will be deep fried, because we get the blame for deep frying everything...Pizza...Mars bars....salad!
And we both know which of those is a lie...no way we'd eat anything as healthy as a salad! 😃
I'm Lancashire tripe and onions. Now what can you do with that?
Do love a smiling of Manuka on toast however.
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
I'm a Dorset Poundbury over-priced posh but not that successful.. local pub is better for ginormous .. read moreI'm a Dorset Poundbury over-priced posh but not that successful.. local pub is better for ginormous toad n hole and eat the lot! High density beer too and a closed bar if luckyt! Beware the spirits of ancient nuns.. Mead would improve things.
I am with you....and the best honey I ever had was from my favorite State...Vermont.
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Is that from private beekeepers or a specialist company. Does Vermont have special local wild flower.. read moreIs that from private beekeepers or a specialist company. Does Vermont have special local wild flowers or/and wondeful soil that nourishes gardens and countryside? Think I'd move to Vermont if I lived in America!
3 Months Ago
Privates...and they have the best Maple Syrup....that is to die for.
Manuka honey is the ultimate honey in different grades up to 2000+ . 200+ costs around $35 Aussie dollars so it is expensive but scientifically proven as it comes from the Manuka tree. Nice one em.
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Manuka isn't cheap in the UK eithere. But I buy a £5.00 jar- the smallest, to last for a week!! D.. read moreManuka isn't cheap in the UK eithere. But I buy a £5.00 jar- the smallest, to last for a week!! Do have apiatrist friends and their honey is good and as fresh as can be.. different of course but still delicious honey!
A succinct acrostic poem which extols the use of one of Mother Nature's most natural, pure and nourishing foods. You list its benefits eloquently, dear Emma. Excellent penning! Thank you for sharing...
Posted 3 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Months Ago
Many thanks for your very generous review. I love honey and have two teaspoons every day either from.. read moreMany thanks for your very generous review. I love honey and have two teaspoons every day either from a spoon or in/on food! Could have more and it has been known!! It may well be the most natural and finest food on earth! One day when in a more isolated area I so want to have some hives, mean time, friends near by let me into their secrets and have watched them make hives for others as part of their business! If only you lived locally, Marie!!!
3 Months Ago
Thank you for your so very kind words, dear Emma, bless you. The only time I have honey is at Christ.. read moreThank you for your so very kind words, dear Emma, bless you. The only time I have honey is at Christmas when I bake the ham! I love that one day you will have your own bees and hives, that is a wonderful project to look forward to Emma. I wish you a very nice evening, pleasant, relaxed and peaceful to enjoy, dear friend...
It is almost the only perfect food... all nutrition, no waste... and the only substance that can touch the brain without doing any damage (I have to take their word for that 0ne) and didn't they find some in an Egyptian tomb that was still edible?
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Is as natural as natural can be! Many thanks, Vol and - the song was dancing along with me! :)
I love honey too. I could swim in it lol. Great stuff.
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
It's probably the purest food available! Not sure about swimming in it, laughing.. no - would rather.. read moreIt's probably the purest food available! Not sure about swimming in it, laughing.. no - would rather grow fat on it! Great stuff, yes!!!
Ghibran, ' To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.'
More short story writer than poet but I try!
Garden designer/speaker. Enjoy theatre, cinema, the Arts. Adventu.. more..