Carnal Whispers

Carnal Whispers

A Poem by Esther

Through the haunting whispers lurking in the silence of mouldy chambers,
I seek the faintest speck of life amidst the dying embers,
Amidst the darkness of a world thriving on the guilt of suppressed fears,
Along lanes whispering tales of eternal winters, drowned in frosty tears.

The stars, in gentle smiles, light up the distant sleeping world,
But, to the land that lies awake, drenched in innocent blood,
Night reveals their lecherous grins through our nameless, hidden scars-
Our naked souls scorched by the lustful glares of stars.

As the horizons bid goodbye to the last ray of the setting sun,
Into our shadowy balconies, fall the drunken stars, one by one.
They whisper not tales of distant shores glowing in the magic of the night,
For the clink of goblets has blindfolded the faintest trace of light.

In the shadows of flickering lamps, we lingered , in mute, fearful eyes,
As the staircase creaked and footsteps approached from the stormy skies.
Riding on the darkest clouds of anticipation, in they crept through the rusty door,
And , that night, again , on creaking beds, we died a little more.

Yet, that little piece of heart, could no groping fingers reach,
Where the child still giggled with the gentle waves caressing the sun-washed beach;
Where birds still sang of secret love in the silence of the glade,
And the seagull flapped its wings and flew far from the sweat-drenched bed.

My wings, too, yearned for the carefree laughter of the brighter world,
But, our words, muffled beneath the roars of the night, remained unuttered,
For, hunger gnawed its way even into the minds of the living dead,
So, we lingered on, selling an ounce of flesh, for every loaf of bread.

In wistful sighs, my aged self dreams today , of Paradise,
As the poisoned ivy creeps up the piers to the first sunrise.
With bated breath, over the distant hills, I hear the gallop of his mare -
The messenger from the other world making his way to my lonely lair.

In silent glee, today , I bid my wasted youth goodbye -
The dark-hooded one steps down from his mare, beneath the expectant skies,
But, his carnal whispers rise over my dreams of the distant morning light;
With the jingle of coins , I hear him ask - "How much for a night?"

© 2019 Esther

My Review

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Reviews the darkness of the light....we need to choose what’s right....the line is very thin in we don’t always win....wonderfully written...🌹🌹

Posted 4 Years Ago

mesmerizing .. much thought went into the crafting of this post and many thoughts it subsequently engenders ..

Posted 4 Years Ago

dark and moody ... is see a child inside the woman .. holding the innocence once lost now longed for .. protected by some powerful force ... i see someone taken against their will ..where a bed of dreams should be ... a nightmare .. creeping up the stairs .. once more to abuse .. in the end she decides she is not worth anything more .. she gives in ... decides to make a little money at it ... tragic loss to society .. and self ...well told .. creates the mood and tone very well ... easy natural flow .. and i like the rhyming .. actually hardly noticed as it seems also very natural .. not easy to do says i!

Posted 4 Years Ago

The setting, imagery, and rhythm... I am in awe. Absolutely speechless. The tone especially is what gets me. You set it so well; eerie with a melodic taste. It reminds me of a dream I may have had.

In all seriousness and non-word wording, this piece is not only amazingly written, but really makes you think. I was confused at first, wondering where exactly this was going, and as I kept reading, I found myself entranced by the wording. You extremely talented and I really enjoy reading your work whenever I'm able to come on (:

Posted 4 Years Ago

Wonderfully spooky, Esther. The setting is perfect for Halloween ... a dark smoky tavern crowded with a decidedly creepy cast of characters awaiting the arrival of the cowled one and his decision.
At the end of it all, he is looking for a place to sleep ... reminds me of the scene from Lord of the Rings when the Ring Wraiths are searching for Frodo.

Well done.

Posted 4 Years Ago

i guess we all wait,great write

Posted 4 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on October 23, 2019
Last Updated on November 1, 2019

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