brown baskets bobbing in a bowl,
Frog from teaching fish breaks for a midnight meal.
Buzz, buzz, snap, snap- Fugma! That’s a bee!
Have to wait ’til morning for the tongue to heal.
Big brown baskets floating in a tub,
Baker looks at Butcher who at Candlestick.
Swish, swash, splish, splash- Fugma! Out to sea!
Have to rub-a-dub again, and double-quick.
Big brown baskets hiding in a bush,
Mole examines samples to learn which is whose.
Tap, tap, mish, mush- Fugma! Time to flee!
Have to get a grip, and mind the p’s and q’s.
Big brown baskets sitting in a tree,
Youngster resting under with his favourite book.
Flip, flop, plip, plop- Fugma! Grab the tea!
Have to seek an arbour in a better nook.
Big brown baskets ev’rywhere we go,
Mucking up the walkways and tracts of green
Nighttime, daytime, when we need to pee!
Yet we wonder why the world is so unclean.
Big brown baskets sifting through the air,
Scrunching up the noses ’til the faces frown.
Yock, yack, yeck, yuck- Fugma! There’s a key!
If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down!
This poem has some similarities to the way I enjoy writing, but as I mentioned before, your mind works on many more levels than mine does. So reading a poem like this by you gives me things to think about to grow my own style in new directions. I had to google "Fugma!" -- a rare word well used here. Love learning new words. I'm not sure what "brown baskets" refers to . . . at one point I even thought it might mean turds. Maybe asking about the brown baskets is akin to asking about the disease & then I've caught it! It's been a long time since I've heard the old saying about mellow-yellow (here in drought-stricken California, we flush sparingly!) So much to think about & embrace in your writing! Fondly, Margie
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
And that's always been my purpose when I write. I really like it when people delve into my work in a.. read moreAnd that's always been my purpose when I write. I really like it when people delve into my work in attempt to piece it together. And like I say, I'm a sucker for absurdity. I like to write it too. One of my 4 themes groups for poetry. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading.
6 Years Ago
As Halloween approaches I hunger even more for absurdity in the macabre genre . . . I've been seeing.. read moreAs Halloween approaches I hunger even more for absurdity in the macabre genre . . . I've been seeing more & more of these gems & enjoying them!
Well, this is one of my absurd pieces. It was very a much a joy to write, so I'm glad it was a joy t.. read moreWell, this is one of my absurd pieces. It was very a much a joy to write, so I'm glad it was a joy to read. Thank you!
that does mean good description lol. Although the poem is more supposed to elicit laughter, not so m.. read morethat does mean good description lol. Although the poem is more supposed to elicit laughter, not so much disgust. It is absurd. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading.
7 Years Ago
I meant it in the best way
7 Years Ago
And I took it as a complement.....I just wanted to clarify that point.
OH! I SO wondered!!! NOW, I know.... I am still laughing. This is WONDERFUL!!! I won't EVEN ask you how you thought of this one. Maybe you were in your thinking place.... Never heard a poem about "IT" before. Well done, my friend!!
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
No need to ask. Just me at my absolute absurd. This was actually a challenge given to me - that I us.. read moreNo need to ask. Just me at my absolute absurd. This was actually a challenge given to me - that I use my alternative "swears" in a poem, and, since those are nonsensical words, there was no stopping the poem from going absurd. I had so much fun with this! Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoyed it. If you would like to listen to the virgin performance of it, here's the link: