![]() The Fury of the SeaA Story by emipoemiA captain stood upon a dock, His eyes toward the sea, As over flew a silent flock, And under schools swam free.
A bird or fish he wished to be At times Death seemed nearby- With fins to roam about the sea Or wings to grace the sky.
Some weeks ago arose a sight As strange as strange could be. And that which gave him such a fright Was the fury of the sea.
Upon the placid western sea A vessel bobbed along. The captain was believed to be A man who saw things wrong.
He stood upon the bow of the ship, A hand upon the mast, And faintly saw that dreaded whip That terrorized his past.
He lightly fingered ev’ry charm That sat upon his neck, And hoped that whip would cease to harm- To keep his nerves in check.
Then all at once he heard the sound Of drums and whistling flutes, Of footsteps marching on the ground With heavy steel-toed boots.
He looked behind him at his crew, Who found it queer to hear This music come out of the blue, For land was nowhere near.
Rocks rose, then, from below the sea, So sharp and sinister. The sailors gaped, and instantly Knew death was to occur.
The music played, and through their mind The thought of Sirens passed. Yet neither had the spur to bind Himself to any mast.
While ev’ryone let out a sigh, And braced themselves for death, Around the ship six waves rose high- The sailors held their breath.
The waves but made their quick ascent, And then began to spin. Around the rugged rocks they went, The fretful ship within.
The crew, eyes shut, were hanging tight On both sides of the ship, And wondered how they earned the plight Of feeling Death’s cold grip.
The captain’s eyes were open wide, His hand gripped ev’ry charm, And hoped some miracle would guide His ship away from harm.
The music played a quicker tune, The waves increased their force To hurl them like a fierce typhoon About the rocky course.
As ev’ry wave would shake his ship, He saw a sight to fear: A monstrous rock so fit to flip What daring ship drew near.
Quite certain they were now to die, The captain closed his eyes. A lurch, a whoosh, then by and by He felt the ship capsize.
When dared they all to blink an eye, They with relief could sigh. No man lay dead, and none would die As evening crossed the sky.
They looked around, by wonder led, And saw the sinking rocks Behind the ship, while far ahead They saw the harbour docks.
His crew knelt down, and young and old Requested clemency For always doubting what he told Of all he claimed to see.
The captain grinned, aware the sea Had conjured such a fright To merely show his crew that he Was one who saw things right.
Some weeks ago arose a sight As strange as strange could be. And that which gave him such a fright, Was the fury of the sea. -EDP © 2017 emipoemiReviews
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