Tears on a page

Tears on a page

A Poem by emilythestrange

" None of that, little madam" she says,
" I'll stop you reading altogether" she says
Three kids and she still doesn't understand.

Getting dressed in the bathroom,
Big blue eyes, shiny blue tears,
Nothing worse than wanting a hug from someone in a different country.

I can hear her downstairs,
Biting my lip so I don't cry again,
Shaking hands, untidy mind.

I don't want to seem emo,
Or like my problems are bigger than yours,
I just want someone to hold me, and call me sweetie and darling and chick pie.

I want someone to ask what's wrong,

I don't want to be that sad old poet,

I just want to be me again,

A girl who doesn't cry in her sisters bathroom,

A girl who isn't just tears on a page.

© 2013 emilythestrange

My Review

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This was very heartfelt. I enjoyed reading even though it was sad. I didn't really like the emo part since i felt it killed some of the intenseness of it but overall i liked.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you :)
Taylor H.

11 Years Ago

Np :)

11 Years Ago

Tears on a page(: The very irony of it makes me want to applaud this piece of work. Greatly written (:

Posted 11 Years Ago

Rhianne Ney

11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Rhianne Ney

11 Years Ago

Tears on a page, the girl; the page being the world and the tears shattered fragments of a broken heart? Lovely concept.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you :)
Honest and raw, I've been there too. * hugs *
You portray that shattered feeling very well, I especially like the last line. It sums it all up with a fantastic metaphor.
Great poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you :)

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4 Reviews
Added on April 27, 2013
Last Updated on April 27, 2013



The Place that my Pen may take me, Scotland, United Kingdom

Amateur writer, director, live-er, hair brusher, modern-living-girl, and brussel sprout eater, and cleaner. Professional poet, wonder-er, reader, imagin-eer, word user, weirdo, Nerdfighter, Danasaur,.. more..

God God

A Story by emilythestrange