The Meaning Method
A Book by emilytamayomaher
The Meaning Method is a craft book that helps incorporate life experience into our fiction and memoirs with more depth and bravery. It's a process that helps your manuscript live up to your vision.
© 2016 emilytamayomaher
Author's Note
Write the story that you were meant to contribute to the world.
You know exactly the story I’m talking about. The idea has probably been tapping your shoulder for quite a while but you haven’t written it yet. You may have jotted down notes and scenes based on your own experience and knowledge, but sometimes you wonder if you’re capable of doing it justice.
Have faith. There’s a reason that particular idea won’t leave you alone (as opposed to all the other ideas that slip through your mind and disappear). And there’s a reason the idea is bothering you and no one else.
Added on September 18, 2016
Last Updated on September 18, 2016
Tags: craft
emilytamayomaherBogota, Cundinamarca, Colombia
I live in Bogotá, Colombia with my husband, Mauricio, and son, Martín. I'm working on a nonfiction craft book called "The Meaning Method" that helps people incorporate life experience in.. more..