Do not lie there curled up
face in hand, mouth open
trying with nuclear sized energy
to suck in one breath
Do not allow sickness
to turn your body
into an adult fetus at the mercy
of zoo animals masked as viruses
Do not let swines and avarian birds
rob your wealth, your health
until the word flu escalates
into a four letter word
Find your strength in prayer, chant
song, meditation. That thing you do
that puts your spirit soaring into flight
Find your healing and hold firm
like a cowboy breaking in a wild horse
Break down that beast, wrestle that swine
lock down that wild avarian bird
Fear not the letters H and N or the number 1
in that combination that shuts down
national borders and closes local schools
Your body does heal, will heal
back into its health
be patient, be at rest
be at peace, be at ease
knowing recovery becomes you