Begin again and again
until beginning has you safely
down the road to ending
a present that should be a past
The past always echoes
the future always whispers
but the present yells
forever yells at you to maintain
what is
which right now should be
what is not
a part of your future
Your future depends upon a process
that mends patches of your past into a weaved whole
because loopholes will never hold success
Yet holes allow drainage
and if your life is full
of people, places and events
made of quicksand sinking your potential
then puncture extra holes into your life's quilt
allowing quicksand to freely flow
and once freed then patch it, mend it
because no one
stitches up your life better than you
Architect your own life to define you
mastering your masterpiece
on a canvas stretched between past and future
painted by time's hand
guided by your power of will
And through it all believe in yourself
and society will follow
because the world spins towards success
And I see progress for you while I write this to you
hoping this ending is a door to your beginning