Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by MaryP

Human kind has always feared what it didn’t understand. Probed and investigated what it couldn’t control. As a race we have a problem with ignorance. For some reason, we feel the need to know everything. These were the thoughts that dawned on me when I looked at the creature in front of me. To call it an animal would be naïve and to call it a human was just be stupid. It was somewhere in between. It was one of the Clanimae.


They were always stalking around the shadows. There were myths about them, rumours and gossip. Some said they were allergic to the light, others said they worshipped it. Most people were secretly terrified and openly sickened by them.

Clanimae are mutants, outcast. They’re the product of the human race’s attempt to evolve in a way that would help them survive the end of the world. Because it was approaching, fast. Scientists were trying to cure it. Christians were embracing it. The world was hiding from it. I seemed to be the only one accepting it. The days were so dark nowadays. The sun was burning out and the stars were dying. The only light was human made. Coal had run out centuries ago. Some believe it was only a myth. Only those who have seen it or believers like me disagreed. I believe that once the human race was great. That at one point in history we reigned supreme, we were happy and safe.


Clanimae can live off anything; their bodies seemed to have developed a way to turn anything into substance. They crawl, walk and climb up the sides of buildings. They seemed to have taken the qualities of the greatest predators and combined them into one super-being. Scientists said that it is the most drastic, intelligent and accurate evolution to date. It is believed that they took their speed form the cheetah, their agility from a gazelle and their strength from the gorillas. There are truly fascinating to look at. They look human, but not quite recognisable. Their bones are sharper and their features more perfect, their perfection reminded me of a painting you could only find on a church ceiling. Every Clanimae looked the same but somehow different, the way brothers and sisters do. It is not known how they reproduce or when the first Clanimae was born; only that they were our future.


I looked in his eyes, I wasn’t afraid -although I knew I should be. Every human child is brought up to fear and despise the Clanimae. But I never did, even from a young age, I pitied them and above anything else I was hypnotised by them. They couldn’t help how they were born, they were simply doing what humans had done since time began- whatever it takes to survive.


His perfect double curved lips parted to reveal human white teeth. Legend tells it that when in danger a Clanimae will reveal a hidden set of razor-sharp teeth that like sharks they had rows of teeth ready to use when needed, I unfortunately knew this to be true. His diamond eyes looked as terrified as mine should have been.


Clanimae had been hunted since the first appeared. At first they had grouped together in colonies to protect each other. The numbers tripled, then tripled again. Soon there were millions. The fear that started to grow allowed Clanimae to live almost as normally as a human would. It soon became norm to cross a Clanimae in the street. But only at night. For some reason, they only came out at after midnight.


“I’m sorry.” I said, steeping into the beam of light created by the street light, so he could pass through the darkness. Her nodded his head to me and walked by. I turned and watched him walk away. Just their movement was mesmerising, he almost floated. He turned to stare at me, his heightened senses must have realised that he was being watched, his eyes connected with mine. Their eyes ranged through the colours of jewellery; gold, silver, bronze, copper and the rarest of them all- diamond. Just as many go through their lives without ever seeing a comet, most never see a pair of diamond eyes. Within a second he was standing half a foot away from me, and turned his head to the side slightly, confused. His chestnut coloured hair fell out of place.


“I-I-I’m s-so-sorry.” I swallowed hard, “I don’t mean to stare.” His eyes softened, almost melted before my eyes. I’d never heard a Clanimae speak. Of course I’d heard the rumours, ‘they hissed’…‘they don’t speak’…‘they can’t’…‘they speak in their own language’. But when he answered me his accent was English, his dictation perfect.

“No need to apologise, miss.” My mouth hung open. He laughed quietly. It sounded like heaven. He nodded his head at me again and was about to turn away.


I tried desperately to keep him there, “My name’s Joanne, but call be Joanie.”

“I’m Stenaghen. But you can call me Ste.” He lips upturned slightly on one side.

“Okay.” I nodded again.

“Well, it was nice to meet you Joanie.” I smiled stupidly at him. He turned away and I watched until his perfect body disappeared into the night. I hurried home desperate to tell someone about my accidental meeting.


Tom opened the door. “You won’t believe what happened!” I said before I’d even crossed the threshold. He grabbed my hand and pulled me though the door. He locked the locks that went form the top of the door to the bottom - supposedly it was a precaution “those Clanimae can’t be trusted.”

“Joanie, where the hell have you been? You know it’s not safe outside at night.”

“It’s always dark out, so what’s the difference?” I argued.

He sighed loudly. “Stop being smart. You had me worried sick.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Where’s Lucy?”

He shook his head. “In the living room.” I ran there, to tell her my news.

“Lucy? LUCY? Lucy!” I ran into the living room and saw her blonde curls splayed across the pillow. She was asleep. Trust her.


Lucy was my little sister, but, we looked nothing alike. Her blonde curls contrasted my dark strands. Her blue eyes sparkled, the way my brown eyes never would. And her dimples flashed whenever she smiled, my cheeks never so much as dented. She was six years younger than me and all I had left. We lived in a house with three other people. One girl, Zoey and two boys, Tom and Matt. Lucy was the youngest and Zoey was the eldest. We all had one thing in common, we had nobody left but each other.


I remember the day we’d arrived here, a year ago. I was stumbling around the streets clinging onto to Lucy’s tiny hand- she’d only just turned ten. She cried all the time. Constant tears. The worst thing was, I didn’t know how to stop them, I didn’t even know if I had a right to try. She had a reason to cry. We’d lost our parents. We’d lost our home. We’d lost our friends. We’d truly lost everything, but each other.


That was the first time I’d seen a Clanimae. Her battle teeth were bared and she was snarling at me. Perched on top of a street lamp, prepared to pounce, hunched into a crouch. She followed every move we made. Her eyes darting, noticing our every move.

I didn’t know what to do. I picked Lucy up and ran. The streets were wet and the lights were dim. I tripped and slipped countless times, but by some miracle I managed to keep my balance. I was terrified, I truly thought that this was the night we would both die. I hugged Lucy closer when someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me into a building. The stranger clasped his hand over my mouth and for some reason I knew that here, wherever here was, was safer than out there. Lucy was petrified into silence and we waited, too scared to even breathe. After what seemed like forever the stranger lit a candle and introduced himself as Tom. He showed me around the place that soon would be home.


“Keep it down Joanie.” Zoey called from the kitchen.

“Yeah, yeah.” I called back. She stomped into the room.

“Don’t ‘yeah, yeah’ me!! I’m trying to cook out there. While you’re outside gallivanting, doing God knows what, I’m slaving away in the kitchen trying to keep us nourished.” Typical Zoey, typical over-reaction.

“Okay.” There was never any point arguing.

“Idiot.” Matt muttered walking into the room.

“Matt shut up. Leave her alone.” He turned to glare at me.

A smirk spread across his face. “Where were you earlier on?” Before I could answer, he subtly threatened me, “Lucky Lucy didn’t notice you were gone.”

“I only went out for a second.”

“You need to stop hunting for those Clanimae.” Tom told me, entering the already crowded living room. “Their freaks and their dangerous.”

“Stop being a girl.” Matt said collapsing onto the sofa and switching the radio on.

“Turn it down, Lucy’s asleep.” I warned him.

“Too late.” Tom said, and we watched as Lucy sat up.

“Hey Luce, nice sleep?” She nodded. Tom smiled at her, even Matt nodded his head.

“By the way, Clanimae aren’t dangerous.” I went to sit next to Lucy and turned to her excitedly. “I met a Clanimae.”

“What? Are you alright?” Tom interjected.

“Obviously.” Matt murmured.

I ignored them. “His name was Stenaghen. We actually spoke, we had a conversation Luce.” She smiled. “He had the most beautiful eyes, diamond. Chestnut hair. It’s true what they say, you know, he was beautiful.”

“Joanie you’re lucky you weren’t killed.”

I turned to glare at Tom. “He was really nice actually.”

“Probably buttering you up so he could pounce.”

“I’m not having this conversation with you. You’re close-mindedness annoys me.”

“You just got told.” Matt laughed.

Zoey came in carrying two plates, she placed one on Lucy’s lap and tucked into the other. “Feel free to go and get your own dinners.” We stood up and went to the kitchen to grab a plate. We all ate the food, rice and mush. There was really no other word for it, it was just green mush. It was edible, and that was good enough.

We sat listening to the radio. There were only two stations. 24/7 news on channel 104. A mixture of news and music on channel 297. We had channel 297 on. Both stations frequently swapped to static at least twice during any announcement or song. I didn’t know the music, I wasn’t really listening to it. I was trying to eat the food without actually tasting it, while keeping the grimace off my face.

“Was Lucy feeling ill earlier on?” She didn’t normally sleep during the day. She was a hyper girl. Normally she’d be playing games with Zoey, or winding Tom up with the help of Matt. It worried me to see her so tired.

“I don’t think so, she ate properly.” Zoey said, trying to reassure me. I nodded at her. Lucy smiled at me and I faked a smile back. She left the room, I assumed to clear her plate. I looked at Zoey and her eyes mirrored mine. We shared our worry for Lucy. Zoey and Lucy had a connection I’d never understood. But I did like Zoey, she looked after us like I’d imagine a big sister should.



“Lucy, please stop crying.” I begged. I cradled her but her tears didn’t stop. “We’re safe now. We have somewhere to sleep tonight, Luce. We’re going to be okay. I promise.” She just wouldn’t stop crying.

“Lucy.” A girl called to my little sister, I re-positioned her so that I was in between Lucy and the strange girl. “Lucy, are you hungry?” She shook her head. “Are you thirsty?” Again she shook her head. “Are you hurt?” She answered again shake of the head. “Then stop crying.” I was about to argue when, Lucy stopped crying. I looked from her to the stranger girl. “My name is Zoey, now come with me and I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.” Lucy stood up and taking Zoey’s hand, she left me for the first time in years.



Every night since then Zoey had taken her to bed. Lucy came back into the living room and kissed my cheek. “Goodnight, baby.”

Zoey stood up and took her to her room.

“So what was he like?” Matt asked, he didn’t have to say anymore.

“He was weird, but in the most amazing way. He was so beautiful.”

“Did you see any sharp teeth?”

“No, not this time.” Matt didn’t even flinch at the memory.

“Did he growl at you?”

“No. He smiled though, twice I think. And he ducked his head, like English gentlemen did in the olden days. He was really polite and sweet. And God, he was gorgeous!”

“Okay, that’s the end of that conversation.” Matt rolled his eyes. “I think I’m gonna go to bed now anyway. Night.”

“Goodnight.” I smiled.

“Night.” Matt repeated leaving the room.

It was silent for a while. The radio had been turned down and the night was still. “Joanie, why did you go out tonight?” Tom asked, his tone was sharp but somehow still soft.

I sighed once. “To be honest, I don’t know. I just wanted to and I’m really glad I did.” I’d only seen him today but I already wanted to see him again. I felt almost enchanted. Under the most magical spell. “Do you reckon he’ll be there tomorrow? The same place? Wow that would be cool.” I sat, planning on thinking about it for a while. But when I noticed Tom attempting to bring up the conversation again I faked a yawn, “might as well go to bed. Night, Tom.” I smiled and waved at him. He waved back but stayed in the room listening to whichever song the radio station had discovered. Walking up the grand staircase reminded me of my first morning here, I was certain I’d been dreaming.



I’d woken up to a dressing gown hanging on the back of the door. I stretched out on a double bed. The quilt was thick and white. And the pillows had frills edging it. I reached around for Lucy and when I couldn’t find her I jumped up and ignoring the dressing gown hanging lovingly on the back of the door, I left the room screaming her name. I hardly took in my surroundings. Although they were quite impressive. The ornaments were grand and expensive. The walls were covered in priceless pieces of art. Whoever had lived there before must have been very, very rich. I ran down the grand staircase, they turned slightly at the bottom. I ran into each room, my brain only registering that Lucy wasn’t in there. The final room I checked looked like a kitchen. Lucy was sitting at a table forcing more pancake than what could fit, in her mouth. “Are you okay?” I asked, rushing to her. She looked at me as if that was the most stupid question ever asked by anyone. I quickly ran my eyes over her and she looked fine, she was even smiling. My eyes scanned the room and settled on a boy I hadn’t seen before. He had brown hair past his ear. His fringe fell across his forehead and curled slightly at the ends. He had ice blue eyes and clear skin. At this moment he was wearing a fire engine red top and dark denim jeans. He looked at me and his lips turned upwards slowly into a smile. I blushed and smiled back. Tom handed me a plate with pancakes on. I thanked him and sat down at the table.

Zoey smiled politely at me. “Joanie, I was telling Lucy before you woke up. There is enough room for you here. You seem to have nowhere else to go. If you wish, from now on this can be your home.”

“That isn’t necessary. We’ll find our own way in the world.” Lucy turned to look at me, her eyes were a strange mixture of sadness and anger. “We don’t need you.” I insisted to Zoey.

“You have nowhere else to go.” Tom reminded me.

“We’ve been fine so far.”

“When I found you, you didn’t seem fine.”

“Well…I…we…” I swallowed hard. “We don’t need anybody else. It’s me and Lucy against the world.” I said smiling slightly at the thought.

“You have nothing else.”

“We have each other.” I countered.

“You have no belongings. No friends. No family.”

Suddenly I was angry, “You don’t know me. You don’t know how it feels...”

Zoey interjected, “You’re wrong. We know exactly how you feel. Everyone you see in this house, has nothing except what’s in this house. We are each other’s friends, family and belongings. We have nothing but each other.

The boy who I didn’t know turned to look at me. His voice was steady and honest. “We want you to be part of our family.”


And from that day on, we were.

© 2010 MaryP

Author's Note

The first chapter is just mainly the introduction of the characters.
Do they hold any interest for you? Do you care about any of them?

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Wow, this is amazing! I love this! You've used a nice selection of langauge and the general concept of the story seems very interesting, as well as the variety of characters you have included in this. I could'nt spot any mistakes which is good and just general, wowzers! Mortal, this is some good writing you've got going on here, I must say that I am impressed and I look forward to reading more. Until then, farewell, mortal~

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 30, 2010
Last Updated on November 30, 2010



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If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing - Benjamin Franklin I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they .. more..

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