![]() so far i dont know a titleA Story by emi![]() random mystery!![]()
it was black, all black, he knew he was lying on his back with some
sort of weight pressing down on him from the chest down. He heard
voices murmuring above him, though making out what they were saying
proved to be a impossible task, as he lay there straining his ears.
After a little he gave up, then he turned his mind to what he was
feeling in the first place. First of all, a dull pounding pain in one
side of his lower body, and more on the opposite side, but higher. This
train of thought brought him back to the sensation of not being able to
move his head, almost as if his body had forgotten how. He had to
think his eyes open, willing his eyelids to pull up.
Blinding white light accosted his dilated pupils, his eyes now furiously blinking uncontrollably while they adjusted to bring the plaster ceiling into focus. None of the voices seemed to notice his awakened state. This left him to ponder the ceiling, his eyes traced the odd texture. he studied how the shadows played across the solid blank white surface. Slowly getting bored of this activity, he shifted his head to look at all the other things in the room- a bunch of bags filled with liquid connecting to tubes that seemed to stick in his arm. He noted that the whole room was the same as the plaster on the ceiling. He was also laying on a bed with two women sitting on ether side of him, at which point one bent over him earnestly grabbing his hand. she was saying, “Hunny? Fredric? can you understand me?” at which he shifted his head in a slight nod, responding to the last question, she continued, “ you were in a car accident, hit your head and broke a leg and an arm.” Not knowing to what to do with this person talking to him while he was so confused already, he struggled to sit up. Noticing what he was doing the other woman dressed all in white with brown hair helped him by stuffing pillows behind his back. Now sitting, he considered the one who continued to talk. She was small and thin with black hair, and she had ice blue eyes looking down at him, as he tuned back into what she was saying, “ I would ask you how you feel but obviously you’re not okay.” She seemed to notice his confusion, and she paused “hunny?”Almost without him thinking about it he opened his mouth and in a husky voice he asked, “Who’s Fredric?” this was met with utter silence, his eyebrows stretched down to meet in the middle of his forehead, he then asked “who am I?” This was met with immediate action, the black haired woman demanding the woman in white to give her an explanation, and the women in white looking flustered and saying that she would call something that was called a “doctor”. While this was going on Fredric sat there wondering at his own words and the reactions of the two women getting more and more overwhelmed. By the time the doctor had arrived he was thoroughly confused.When the doctor person arrived, also all in white, Fredric couldn't follow what the doctor was saying as the person started talking so fast. All he could make out from the constant stream of words was something about hitting his head. People ran around for about three hours, finaly it was finally quiet in the room Fredric was in. Not remembering anything that he had to worry about, Fredric sat in his chair humming to himself, content as he could ever be. Looking out his window onto the streets below, he watched the people bustling about the city, men and women running by, or just walking vary fast. He watched a couple of teenagers walk past, both were dressed in black, and had chains hanging off of them. Chains, what an interesting word, some how this word seemed significant to him. The word echoed in his mind like a vague memory, waking him up a little more. He then looked out the window again watching the people walk by. After about an hour of this, two men entered his hospital room. Both wore black suits and ties. As Fredric looked at them, he wondered idly why they wore sun glasses inside. Both men greeted him and sat down. The first man, who was bigger and bald, talked first, “How are you feeling Fredric?” “Ok I think.” The seconds man, smaller with blond hair, leaned forward and asked, “Do you remember anything before the car accident?” “No.” Then the second man asked again,”do you remember that you worked for the CIA before the accident? you were scoping out a cult for us.” “No I don't remember this. I worked for the CIA?” The first man spoke again in a low rumble, “nothing at all? Not even flashes of what happened? You don't remember anything?” “No! No I don't remember anything! Why do you want to know so bad!?” At this both men leaned back, the second one let out a sigh. “This is no use Mark, lets get out of here, before people start wondering whats going on.” “That sounds good, good bye Fredric” Both men stood up and walked out of the door before Fredric could say anything. As the sliding door clicked shut, Fredric muttered, “good bye.” Immediately, he walked back to the window and gazed down to the street. Looking down onto the side walk he saw what seemed to be a chance meeting of two people below on the sidewalk. As the people hailed, he thought, chance meeting, hmm, meeting sounds familiar. He rolled this thought around in his head, working with the two words meeting and chains, wondering what they could mean. His thoughts were interrupted when the two men from his room walked out onto the sidewalk. They’re so secretive, I wonder why. Secretive, that was another one of those words that seemed to echo in his mind like a faded memory. Why had those men come? They both had had guns, maybe there was something dangerous, that they had to to have weapons for. Weapons! That's it! Chains, Meetings, Secrets, Weapons! He remembered now! That accident had been a setup, to kill him. To keep the knowledge he had found secret. Now he remembered everything, there was a terrible secret that the government needed to know. He turned around to run out of the room, when he saw a silhouetted person bring down a solid object on his head with a THUMP. Fredric fell to the ground, his head hitting the stone tiles with a crack. Through his flickering eyelids he saw the figures hand come down again. Then there was no more.
© 2011 emiAuthor's Note
Added on September 17, 2011 Last Updated on September 17, 2011 |