Hunger is weakness I tell them there's no Food in the house It's true but when there is And I open up the fridge I tell myself there's nothing there When those twig-like girls Complain about their weight I can't stand it. When in the middle of class My stomach growls, and my friends Glance over at me, I hate myself. Cause it just shows the hunger Still has control. But at night, just before I sleep, And I haven't ate, and I can feel The hunger that wasn't satisfied I'm happy. Because the funny thing is- I can't remember the last time someone Called me skinny, Or pretty. Because I'm neither.
wow... great poem... a lot of people can relate to this... and ur last 3 lines are so not true! but hold ur head up high and be proud of who you are... not who u are not... Kurt Cobain... lolz:) Keep up the good work:)
Like SoulCrusader(Yas) said, it is relatable and well-written. It is sad how everyone says you should love yourself the way you look, but people in the music, acting, and modeling industry make stars be a size 2 and/or get plastic surgery so they appear perfect on screen - when we are also told that no one is perfect. Very ironic, but anyways, nice job!
☼ Hey! Well I'm a writer, of course.
I love hanging out with my friends, writing, reading, shopping, being outside, listening to music, cooking, gardening, photography, acting and playing guit.. more..