Then. Only then.

Then. Only then.

A Poem by Elise Anton

One can seem taller than any mountain, stretch further than any road...


You can gather faces

pile them up high

line them up end to end

a stretch of road, a mountain

of physical perfection

and some God-awful

repulsive misadventures.

You can get lost in talk,

unite, divide, taste hunger,

drive, smile to smile delirium.

But hell. One day

you fall on something else

some other thing part made of skin

and part a tortured mind.

Then. Only then.

You trade everything in

every remembering, connection

bygones, present, the future,

all pushed aside in the mad rush

to feel perfection.

Then you're screwed.

Nothing left but this craving

abandonment of self to One

who need only trace a finger

to create a liquid masterpiece.

You stand within, without,

observing, pleading, saying never,

never stop meandering over

my flesh, my mind.

© 2016 Elise Anton

My Review

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Dear Elise,

though i don't believe we've officially interacted until now, i hope all is well with you. you had me in love with your poetry as i finished reading this piece's first stanza. there is a highly original dichotomy to it: ideals in that sense that a gathering of faces could come across as perfection even though all of us are flawed, combined with that brilliant, original, and haunting image of "repulsive misadventures." i adore your short lines. i further appreciate your short sentences- stretching back to this piece's title. this brilliant use of juxtaposition continues through ..."smile to smile delirium.", ..."skin" and ... "mind", "bygones, present, the future," this piece's second to last stanza might be my favorite. reference to ..."One", ..."trace a finger", and my favorite genius stab at imagery ..."liquid masterpiece." this master work brought me to that ceiling within our Sistine Chapel. your closing is extremely strong, with ongoing contradiction and a plea toward an evasive eternal. outstanding work. Thank you for putting forth effort toward sharing your gift with this site.

Posted 8 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

Oh my! I cannot form words. There's something beyond 'humbled' but my internal lexicon has skipped o.. read more
Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

And very pleased you have made yourself known to me... I really need that nap. Manners!


I'm not following your train of thought 100%, but I'm impressed with several shining spots, especially 3rd stanza. This is something so familiar to me but I haven't seen it put quite so succinctly & understandably! Wow! In fact, I'm having a tussle with someone part skin & part tortured mind just now. It sounds like, in your poem, after this meeting/falling into the lure of the tortured mind, the narrator falls away from the nicely-ordered previous life. In my case, I prefer to care for the tortured minds from afar, so as not to disrupt my laminar flow of inner peace *smile* Your poem gives much to ponder.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

Distance is good (trust me) under the above circumstances. (I had some distance but not nearly enoug.. read more

8 Years Ago

Totally understand (((HUGS)))
we care about each other, for we are humans. WE feel the pain of another and try to wipe away the tears. Try and kiss the pain away. Inside we may be afraid. But we get dressed and put ourselves together, to show no one what we know.

The love of us humans is what we must do, For we love each other, sister or brother. Why because we care? We are humans. Each of us, is human, we all bleed red blood. We all eat and we drink fluids we breathe. Why we are humans?

Posted 8 Years Ago

Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

Thank you for those inspiring words Richard. It certainly matters that we remember foremost that we .. read more
Richard Patrick

8 Years Ago

you are so, welcome.
Do I need to say it? Do I seriously need to find every adjective in the dictionary that can describe this and every existing synonym for 'good'? Elise, once again, you amaze me. Where have you acquired such talent from? Every piece of your writing touches me at the very core of my heart just like this one. Im gonna run out of what to say soon because I'd have gone through every compliment existing!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

Thank you? I put the question mark at the end because I don't want to lose our interraction. Don't w.. read more
*taking deep breaths* Ok i am fine now. This was a great read, I was immersed in already by the time I was in the second stanza, and the way you have used words ( too many to site) but this one verse( 4th or the 5th one) is a perfect example of what i am trying to convey. the use of bygones, mad rush, feel perfection. And the final verse was a killer. I liked a lot ^^ Thank you for sharing ^^

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

Thanks Erren, truthfully, I am surprised at how much people identify with this poem. I wrote it as I.. read more

8 Years Ago

Your welcome ^^
You filthy little mole.... call me a poofter if I didn't kinda like this. It's layered, for me anyway, I don't know what the f**k you're really getting at... meanings of poems are not owned by the authors after they publish them. Anyway, it's layered in different meanings of self awareness... or maybe different stages of it. That the ending and the begging of a thing are not ever the point and quite frankly often the worst parts, it's what we make of it in between on the way in between endings and beginnings that means everything. It reminds me of the concept of the speed of light, that its not really a speed at all, it's the natural state of massless particles; It's not something anything that matters (has matter) can obtain because to obtain that absolute perfection (masslessness) you must cease to be the anything; no thing is perfect as nothing is nothing but perfect. Our imperfections are what matter, what defines our relationship to the world of matter is our collection or klugey little collection of s**t we picked up and lost during our time under the sun. Ugh,, I feel pretentious and, kind of shameful right now. I am going to sexually harass the lady that lives with me for a while and get a little of my pride back. Good work by the way. I enjoyed it immensely.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

No the question mark was only because you left me with a very vivid image of what I had inspired you.. read more

8 Years Ago

Ha... that women does more harassing than I ever could in two lifetimes. I wouldn't worry to much a.. read more
Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

Pheeew. Ignore the question mark.
Personally, I love how the word "love" is never mentioned in this piece. It definitely alludes to it (trading in all of yourself to another) but it also reminds me of being trapped under this spell-- where your soul still aches to BE a self, but you can't let go of this "perfect drug" that gives you a rush like no other. Isn't it funny how something you write can be interpreted so many ways? Great read!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

Thanks for stopping by and reading. I see the word 'love' everywhere. Personally, the internal debat.. read more
a hell of a description for Love if I've ever heard one... chuckling here

Posted 8 Years Ago

I love this, truly. And I must tell you, 'Don't ever do this and make me jealous'. Hey, just kidding. It was excellent.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

Thank you Sandra! I appreciate your reading this and liking it :)
Sandra Nair

8 Years Ago

It's my pleasure. And I agree with you, Serah is a brilliant writer.
Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

Told you :)
-- i'm an atheist these days... but i'm listening to the morning azaan (call for prayer from a mosque) right now... -- it's 5:43 am local time... and this soul-quenching piece of poetry is echoing in my ears... -- i think anything in our lives that takes us from a place of confusion to a place of clarity is our religion... -- there's a lot of soul-searching in your words and a lot of soul-finding too... and... mr. jordan is the only person on this site who can do justice to excellence in poetic expression in a review... and i agree with every observation of his... -- this is amazing work...

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

. serah .

8 Years Ago

-- wow... background music and poetry... very magical.. :)
Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

Ummm... you had to be here. Not exactly background music, more like a five-year-old missing most not.. read more
. serah .

8 Years Ago

-- lol... Dylan decided to learn only a month ago... you need to give him some more time, Ms. Elise... read more
Dear Elise,

though i don't believe we've officially interacted until now, i hope all is well with you. you had me in love with your poetry as i finished reading this piece's first stanza. there is a highly original dichotomy to it: ideals in that sense that a gathering of faces could come across as perfection even though all of us are flawed, combined with that brilliant, original, and haunting image of "repulsive misadventures." i adore your short lines. i further appreciate your short sentences- stretching back to this piece's title. this brilliant use of juxtaposition continues through ..."smile to smile delirium.", ..."skin" and ... "mind", "bygones, present, the future," this piece's second to last stanza might be my favorite. reference to ..."One", ..."trace a finger", and my favorite genius stab at imagery ..."liquid masterpiece." this master work brought me to that ceiling within our Sistine Chapel. your closing is extremely strong, with ongoing contradiction and a plea toward an evasive eternal. outstanding work. Thank you for putting forth effort toward sharing your gift with this site.

Posted 8 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

Oh my! I cannot form words. There's something beyond 'humbled' but my internal lexicon has skipped o.. read more
Elise Anton

8 Years Ago

And very pleased you have made yourself known to me... I really need that nap. Manners!

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10 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 18, 2016
Last Updated on February 18, 2016
Tags: poetry, writing, love, loss, romance, regret


Elise Anton
Elise Anton


Hello from downunder! I am one of those people who can just sit and write. It's like breathing for me. I've never shared and never published. It was my thing, my escape, my therapy... I have two so.. more..


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