![]() PROLOGUE 2015 CHRISTMAS EVEA Chapter by Elise Anton![]() Fast-forward in time... Hellen and Paul meet after a five year absence...![]() ... The little black dress the gushing (OMG
it's perfect on you!) saleswoman had sold me was both too short and too
tight. My bright orange hair which at home I'd thought contrasted quite nicely,
now looked like the result of a rather large carrot atop my head internally
combusting and spewing forth its brassy innards. That's not why I was hiding in the ladies restroom shaking all over though. Despite my 'out of place-ness' within the sleek and sophisticated crowd, I was doing okay. Two martinis down, one more to go before I reached my limit; I was in that mellow place before the third one had me giggling and spouting nonsensical observations. I never get past three. Well I did once, but since I can't remember anything afterwards, it doesn't count right? I had turned to look for my partner - not partner as in either lover or business, just someone to cover my single-hood - when I spotted him. When he spotted me too. "Is it you?" "It is you, right?" "I can't believe it!" "Maybe I'm dreaming?" I fled. Twenty minutes later, I was still contemplating my re-entry. One last deep breath - not that deep since the bloody dress restricted almost any movement - a final retouch of the orange (cringe - what was I thinking) lip-gloss and I propelled myself out the door. I needed to get to the bar, or to Joe, whichever came first. Either one would have that third martini down my throat in no time... Mellow was not quite the right mood now he'd appeared! Rethink... I couldn't risk looking for Joe in case... so straight to the bar it was. "Martini - dry, two olives. Please?" Bottles were
neatly lined up along the long mirrored back wall. I studied their exotic
names. Then my eyes reached a blank square of mirror. "It is you!" "It is you!" ... She'd finally reappeared. I'd thought for a moment I had imagined her. As soon as our eyes made contact she'd vanished! I did try to follow but despite her glorious new hair colour, I'd lost her in the crowd. God she looked good. That dress. Had she been poured into it? Lucky I wore my one and only dark suit. Since the divorce, and no her to pick my clothes, I tended towards laziness - jeans and tees, like a uniform. Restoring old boats had its merits. The tie for instance, which was strangling me. Why men considered this to be the most important dress accessory baffled. The fact I was here also baffled. When was the last time I'd been in a crowd of suits? Joe had insisted. Restoring his pride and joy had taken many months and in that time we'd shared a few beers, and the odd fine single malt scotch at his place. Man I loved that house! Perched on the hill; the bay stretching in all directions. Lucky son of a b***h had inherited it from an aunt. Along with the boat I had restored. "Can't be home alone Christmas Eve, mate," he'd said, dropping by a week ago. So here I
was, at this function in the biggest hotel in town - the party he threw every
year for staff and friends. "What are you doing here?" "Out of all the places..." "I've missed you." "I've so missed you!" ... The bartender handed me the martini and I took a big gulp, leaving behind a bright orange splotch on the glass. He looked good! The once more-blonde hair more-greyish now, the rough stubble still shadowing his cheeks and chin. Well-toned body too, the slight bulge of muscle on his chest and arms perfectly framed by the slim-fit suit. The current
trend in 'back to the fifties suits' was not for everyone. A quick
glance around the room and example after example affirmed it. Paunches and
stodgy thighs; short squat bodies squeezed into single button jackets and
pipe-stove pants... ugh. At least Joe carried it off. He was my neighbour, moving in two floors below in the apartment block I'd shifted to since both sons had moved out. Not my type, but I didn't have a type these days anyway. Just the laptop and the window, that's all I needed. I missed the bay but I did have a slight glimpse of Albert Park Lake, which appeased my need for a water-view somewhat. "I never expected to see you again." "I've never forgotten you." "I thought about you so many times after you left..." "Why did I ever leave?" "Five years... You look stunning!" "God, half a decade since... You look almost like I just saw you yesterday!" "Can we talk? We need to talk!" "Yes! Yes! So much to-" "Hellen, there you are! Been searching for you all over!" Joe grabbed my arm. "Someone I want you to meet, and don't you-" "What?
No, no, nonono!" "Yes! He's perfect!" "No, I can't - not now!" I was pulled away. I managed a quick swipe at my glass and swallowed the contents in one big gulp. I'd need it. "Who's that?" "Wait, it's not what you think, I'll be right back!" "Stay!" "I'll be back, wait please!" I ended up dragged to the far side of the room. "Mark, this is Hellen - you know," Joe said as though I'd been discussed at length. Mark seemed
as uncomfortable as I was, doing a slight shuffle. A hand was extended. "Nice to meet you." "Likewise," I said, shaking it. Joe was way off the mark with Mark - God that was funny! I should tell him later!" "Woman you're giggling!" Joe hissed in my ear, the warning disguised behind a wide smile. Mark seemed... disinterested? Or he couldn't read minds and didn't get the joke? Shame, because it had been funny right? I think I giggled again? "Um...
I'm going to get another drink." "I can-" "-get it for you." Both men spoke at once or did one start and the other finish the sentence? I giggled again. That had been funny too. Joe leaned in. "How many?" "Huh?" "Drinks, you silly woman!" "Goooing for number four! Back in a tack!" (Oh God, I was rhyming!) "Hellen!" I lifted my hand in the air and wiggled my fingers goodbye, back turned, eyes focussed on the bar in the distance and that small square of mirror... I needed to find out what his eyes would say next. Maybe after this fourth martini I might even march right up... ... Hell, she'd come with someone? Was she married now? What were the odds? She looked damn hot. She looked... no way there wouldn't be a man on the scene. What was I thinking? Then again, I'd seen something in her eyes, just before she took that big gulp. She'd tried to say something to me, I was sure of it. I followed the retreating flame of hair, not wanting to lose sight of her again... "Hey Paul! Over here! Paul!" Joe was calling me. The Joe who'd had one too many and didn't give a damn who knew it. He was the boss after all, and this was his party so- "Paul! Don't make me come and-" Heads were turning. I lifted my arm up, indicating I was on my way. Last thing I needed was for her to return and hear his boisterous voice telling me what he had planned for us later that night. "Finally!" "Looks
like you're having quite a night!" What else could I say? Joe had an arm
around two twenty-somethings, both blonde, both gushing out of their tight
dresses. "Meet Jody and...." His puzzled expression told me he'd forgotten her name already. "Julie,"
the other blonde answered, without the slightest whiff of offence. She
unlatched herself from Joe and tried to wedge her body beneath my arm-pit,
looking upward, waiting for my arm to lift. Her teeth were capped and too white. Her face had one layer of fake-tan too many. The rest of her was squeezed into an impossibly tight green and gold dress, matching her iridescent eye-shadow. She was glowing, shimmering - like a Christmas tree with too many lights, I thought. Rather cruel but someone should have pointed it out to her? "You
take umm... Julie here and find a quiet corner, get to know each other, know
what I mean?" Joe moved away, his hand dropping from Jody's shoulder to cup her butt, a backward glance at me and a wink before he disappeared. S**t. She was making her way to the bar. Alone! Julie had latched on to my arm like she'd drown if she let go. S**t! "It's not what it looks like!" "I left you alone for a few minutes and find you with... with that?" "I'm sorry." "You're an a*s." "I'll get rid of her, you just hang on, don't go anywhere!" "Tell me she's not your f*****g new wife!" "She's nobody, really!" "I thought tonight..." "Please! I'll explain in a minute!" She turned
away, heading for the bar. I needed to run after her, I needed to apologise. "C'mon," Julie said, pulling on my arm with two hands now. "Let's go do like Joe said." "About that, listen... sorry... I..." She gave me a disgusted look and huffed off. I was free! The bar was only about fifteen metres away. Just fifteen metres between me and... © 2016 Elise AntonFeatured Review
StatsAuthor![]() Elise AntonΑμφιθεα, Ευ™οια, GreeceAboutI live in Evia, in the village formerly known as Goats. more..Writing