Spontaneous Human CombustionA Chapter by eliasstonepeople have suddenly started burning up in great pain leaving only a foot or hand -- why?In Unsolved by John Pinkney 2007 it was noted that one one single day in England three people combusted and died. The strange thing was their locations at death formed an equilateral triangle. This signifies that their combustion was caused by extremely intense emotions, for the equilateral triangle exudes an ego-intense emotional feeling. There were three other clues: Carpenter, Rose and 549, 'nearly 550'. © 2011 eliasstone |
Added on November 18, 2011 Last Updated on November 18, 2011 Tags: Spontaneous Human Combustion Previous Versions AuthoreliasstoneAuckland, North Island, New ZealandAboutI am a single man, never married. I am a noble, serene knowledgeable type of man, fully dedicated to acomplishing my purpose. My task is to restore all things. more..Writing