![]() The Map of the Ego 1A Chapter by eliasstone![]() This map represents every possible choice we have in life in one small diagram. It might be difficult to explain it but I will try. The true life-self is beyond the map.![]() The point of this Map is to hopefully get you to recognise your own ego on the map. If you can see yourself on the map, then you already have some freedom from the map. The person that can see the ego on the map is your true eternal self -- a similar idea: Eckhart Tolle: a new earth.
Tolle's 'pain body' is the ego.
We dont all have the same ego. There are a few variations on the ego.
Maybe the most surprising fact is that the ego can be sexual as well as to do with the work self. What we call 'self' is really just our identification with the work we do. That is our culture promoted the idea self and ego has nothing to do with sex and the sexual self.
Sigmund Freud first coined the term ego and tried to describe the ego. He saw the ego in people with work-self egos, and saw their egos from his own ego. His own ego was largely centered or anchored in sex and so he felt he was seeing the ego from outside of ego itself, but was not.
So this started the idea the ego is purely about self-centeredness and self pride and the idea that piggish hoarding and greed could only exist in the work-self began.
This idea should become clearer with a Map.
Also remember this is NOT your self, and your self is free and clear of the whole ego map.
(1) Draw a plus sign at the centre of a circle say about 2 inches diameter or 50 millimeters diameter.
(2) extend the ends of the plus sign to the ends of the circle.
(3) starting at the left-hand-side and working clockwise, label the ends at the circle: north, east, south and west.
(4) So the top-left quadrant is north-east or NE. Label this quadrant 'postive work'.
(5) negative work is the NW quadrant below that one.
(6) postive sex is the south-east quadrant and negative sex is the south west quadrant.
I like angles and so I said far-east and far-west are 90 degrees and the zero-degree line is the north-south line.
(7) with a school protractor, mark places on each othe four quadrants: 18 degrees, 54, 72 and 81 degrees. If not good at maths get a so-called nerd to do it. (Nerds are actually great people and could help us get free of ego-pain. God is with them. Problem is, the non-nerds treat them as geeks and do their best to distort the geeks true selves and make the ego in the nerd. Once the ego distorts the geek into a nerd, their ideas are not so crash-hot anymore and they cant help the rest of us get free of the ego. You may have guessed I am a geek too.)
Now the Id of the ego is the intense core of the ego. When we look at a person and say their personality is typically selfish or egoic what were looking at is the Id. The Id is a work-self person who has a too-high sense of their self importance. Their feeling of self importance is immense -- this term 'self importance' from the works of Carlos Castaneda such as 'Journey to Ixtlan' -- to my mind his most-important book. The teachings in Journey to Ixtlan are essentially about getting to the true self and dropping the ego. But the ideas and practises will seem too extreme to be practical to most westerners. But when i was 17 I loved the book and knew I had found the truth I was looking for.
The ego life is one of contest, contest the little-brother of war. The Id is the most intense or most powerful expression of the contest. The Id when it takes over total control of the person -- by the true self being neglected in a major way -- drives the person to extremes. For example Adolf Hitler had a huge Id. Any nation that starts a war, starts a war due to poverty, and the work Id ( at NE 54 degrees on the Map) is adopted by the whole nation and particulary by soldiers as the solution to poverty. North Korea is a fairly recent example. See any video of soldiers marching and they are all trying to be clones of one another -- the Id's idea of order is that everything every action or thought or feeling must be identical. Hence intense-repetition features large whenever the Id is expressed. Now true order, is the nest order, shown as a series of concentric rings, the interface radii of the rings is given by any constant times the sine of angles 9, 18, 27...90. This makes a great Mandala or screen-printed t-shirt design. Every ring has its own color. But the point is, there is no repetition in a life lived in the nest. Life in the nest is a movement from low to high awareness: from low in the nest center, up and out to the edge.
By way of cantrast, the false nest is drawn as the sine of the inverse tangent of counting numbers and their reciprocals.
The General Equation of the nest rings is IC = 4Pi area / added perimeter-lengths squared. Notice it is of the form E =mc-squared and P = I-squared R. Note that the IC of the rings on the x-axis and the area of the rings on the y-axis, forms a perfect Maximum Power Transfer (MPT) Curve of electrical engineering theory, and the same curve is the Mean or Standard Distribution Curve of statistical theory. The point is, the Id is over-intense repetition, and repetition seen as the goal, worshipped as "the way". It is this single-minded worship of intense repetition that forms the Id and tries to distort the nest, the true soul. In brief, the Id, the core of the ego, is madness. The effect of the Id on the nest is to reduce the number of rings in the nest, so that the person takes on a more-animal like soul. For example we see in the book of Daniel in the Bible that a great king who boasts in his kingdom is made to become an ox and eat grass. Look at rage videos and note that many of the costumes show people as animals. In The Beatles 'I am the Walrus', the idea our souls are degraded to animals is shown again.
Our lives and our culture is then a compromise of repetition order and soul-nest order. For example we have doh re me so far lah tee doh that repeats endlessly and distorts our idea of musical pitch order. Musical pitch in reality should be a nest of musical pitches with no discernable repetition, but our Ids make us hear repetition. I made a wooden Xylophone or Glockenspeil, of ten bars that gave a pleasing group of sounds with zero repetition. Its easy to do, just make the length of the bars proportional to the IC of the rings. Of course ten rings is the lowest number of rings of your true souls.
Your soul is a ball of light about your head and greater than your body, huge. The edge ring of the ball creates your body its movements and any feelings or emotions you have. This is why 'I am the eggman' in 'I am the walrus': the true man is not an egg but a false man is an egg -- a way of referring to the ego.
In the same song 'I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together' is a reference to the soul and its rings, because the rings of the soul, nest, are in balanced pairs whose IC multiply together to form the IC of the edge ring or firmament ring. So I ( the lower ring ) am he (the highest ring) as your are he ( the highest ring ) as your are me ( refers to their multiplication union ) and altogether speaks of the oneness that they form the unified and whole and complete soul.
The nest is the equatorial cross-section of the soul. Everything created has an equator: the galaxies and their 'milky ways', the solar planes of the solar systems where their planets orbit, and the equator of the earth where life is prolific. Even atoms are formed of the soul.
Magnetism circles in and out of the paired rings, and electricity circles at 90 degrees to that magnetism. The soul is like a bar magnet.
The third dimension of the soul is a stack of cones all with rings in the same spacing as the equator.
So by now you have guessed there are four Ids in the four quarters of the ego map, and that the insanity that starts wars is present in each Id. And intense repetition is a feature of all four Ids.
Two more Ids are possible, where some people combine the work-sex Ids. These are represented as large dots on the due east and due west lines, found by drawing a straight line across from the Id dots in the two quarters East and two quarters west.
In 'I am the Walrus', the 'Mr City Policeman sitting' is the eastern Id and its color is Royal Blue -- often the color the police use in their uniforms, depending on the country. The 'pretty little policemen in a row' are the three dots on the same line as the big eastern dot. See how they lust hard in sex and see how they run the same way in work -- I'm crying: the nest in you is crying.
Now this easten Id and the corresponding western Id that fight each other, the western Id is Navy Blue, are referred to as 'That great city wherein our Lord was crucified, spiritually called sodom and egypt.' In about Revelation 11:8. So sodom is the spirit, the Id, at lower right on the map and "Egypt" is the Id at lower left on the Map. Egypt from the Isralite point of view is the home of slavery, and petty tyrants. Sodom is the city in the Bible destoyed by a sulphur fire rained down from above, the other city was Gomorrah. God did not destroy the city personally: as a boss might fire an employee. Actually, the residents pushed their lust too far and triggered an automatic response from nature, from the natural order of things -- same with the World Flood. The same fire will happen again if the sexual Ids go too far. At least in your country you have had a warning. It would be good if you could warn the less developed people in Africa India and China for example. The end is 2034 plus or minus five years in case of calander error. See: Peter Lemesurier 'The Great Pyramid Decoded' earliest editions. 34 is of course about the age of Christ at resurrection. He made the world ( according to John 1, but I believe Satan had a hand in this Universe's creation since its such a lousy universe with no life on other planets: God would not be that stingy: the story of Job hints at this. ) so I guess the dates naturally revolve around him. 2102 is 'the awakening'.
The eastern Id spirits are in a fighting union with the western Ids and the union termed a 'codependency' by some including Melody Beattie 'Codependent No More' -- her book. Diagonally, the Ids may cooperate.
The ego map is a sort of machine, that agressively promotes who it likes and ostracizes and destroys those who, it doesnt like -- and to a large extent, that is our culture, only the soul vestige in its more-animal state, keeps us sensible and civilized, our culture also a compromise of repetitive order and non-repetitive nest order.
The Periodic Table of Elements is another example where the desire for repetition stopped us finding the table as a list of elements and a nest -- 'periodic' another word for repeating. When the ego cannot find identicals, it groups things together that are similar: the next best thing to 'identical'.
The east and west spirits are in such a close contest or wrestle, that it is difficult to separate out those emotions in your life. One would have to somehow 'stop' and take a good look at oneself, oneslife. 'Be still and know I am God'.
'They will come from the north south east and west and take their places in the kingdom of heaven but the invited guests will be cast out where there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.'
© 2011 eliasstone |
StatsAuthor![]() eliasstoneAuckland, North Island, New ZealandAboutI am a single man, never married. I am a noble, serene knowledgeable type of man, fully dedicated to acomplishing my purpose. My task is to restore all things. more..Writing