![]() (I am the) WalrusA Poem by eliasstone![]() interpretation of 'I am the walrus' by The Beatles, very roughly the same tune with lyrics changed plus original words underneath![]() I love hi as you love hi as two from hi times five do ball together but see Ids run like pigs from a gun, see egos fly I'm crying
Pretending to be animals going to the zoo Zombie clone identity hate of being patient Must be happy but its making you just get old.
Work-sex Id policeman comfy three superego police smart hi and low see how they battle hard in understanding see how they lust Im crying Im crying Im crying Im c-r-y-i-n-g IM CRYING!
yellow spirit flow and worship a slow-hunt girl-trap cling-to-sane lost-wife mad sight-is-touch teacher enforcement of gender-bending religion
Building up a comfy knowledge, waiting for your truth to save. if your truth doesnt save you can love a lie supporting the rule of pain.
dont understand but you know it all, devil- knower laughing at your fall exclusive club in-the-know can gloat: power corrupt I'm crying
Wisdom fighters lead a, violent attack of truth on high Rudimentary bookworms gushing and praising man so stubborn! defend a faith only they see
I am the crushed ball they are the crushed balls we are the half-truth
nothing is true nothing is true nothing is true tick-tick tick-tick tick-tick b-b-b-o-o-o-m-m-m [soft, relaxed]. (In General, the whole lot is about human behaviour and with particular references to the ego. The ego has no virtue in it whatsoever.)
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are altogether. see how they run like pigs from a gun see how they fly I'm crying. (The true person is a ball of light: Whole and complete. But the ego is a pig not digesting its food but swallowing whole. And the superego is just as mad and does crazy flying; has a crazy genius knowledge.)
Sitting on a cornflake waiting for the van to come. corporation t-shirt, stupid bloody tuesday man youve been a naughty boy let your face grow long. (The madness of the ego is like going to work at a factory that you dislike, where you have to be impatient and are not allowed to know the whole company: t-shirt )
mr city policeman sitting pretty little policeman in a row see how they fly like Lucy in the sky see how they run I'm crying (The ego includes a sexual ego as well and the madness of the combination of work and sex, due to the ego's ideas makes God cry and cry and cry. 'Diamonds in the sky' has two interpretations: the true souls and the ego's.)
yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog's eye crabalockafishwife pornographicpriestess boy youve been a naughty boy let your knickers down (This dog is a black dog. This version goes into details of the perversion of sex. The custard is a feeling, spirit, in the work superego. This is about the way women are hunted for sex, which hunt greatly disturbs the normal soul. Zechariah 5: the lead covered basket-trap is another metaphor which describes the same thing as the dead dog. The crab wife is really about Door women Song Of Solomon 8:9 And the porn priestess about Wall women and their men. It is really difficult to explain because the images are about the deep things of life. Work it out for yourselves.)
sitting in an english garden, waiting for the sun to come if the sun doesnt come you can get a tan standing in the english rain (The ego likes to sit and do nothing, and likes to wait to be saved -- typical of the christian church members. If it doesn't get saved doing nothing then it believes-in (stands for) the rule (rain reign) of pain.)
expert textspert choking smoker dont you think the joker laughs at you? see how they smile like pigs in a sty see how they snide I'm crying (The ego likes to think it is an expert. The ego creates exclusive clubs where those in-the-know can snide together.)
semolina pilchards climbing up the Eifful Tower elementary penguins singing hare krishna man you should see them kicking edgar allen poe (The christian church is ruled by fish who delight in confusion. Their understanding fully accepts the rule of pain and reign of confusion. The congregation like to sing but they do not worship Jesus but a foreign gog: their worship is idolatry. They stubbornly hold -- which is the sin of sorcery -- to an elementary understanding of Jesus and attack all other authorities, authors, as false messiahs.)
I am the eggman they are the eggmen I am the walrus (The egg is the distorted soul and distorted perception of life itself. Agreeing with the majority makes the walrus, being neither hot nor cold but having faith in the ego -- and Satan behind the ego -- and faith in the true soul. You cannot serve God and Mammon.)
goo goo ga joob goo goo ga joob (The madness of the ego just goes on and on and on. And so the world must end to relieve many of the unnecessary pain the ego causes.) ---- In General, this song is a description, critisizm, of human ego life; very sophisticated, it uses metaphorical references to the Id and superego of the whole sex-work-good-bad Map of the ego. Sitting and standing are examples, as is the dead dog and the city policeman. A major theme is the ocean versus the land: ego versus the true soul: lust by might and power versus lust by precision and skill.
© 2012 eliasstoneAuthor's Note
Added on October 12, 2011 Last Updated on March 13, 2012 Tags: I am the walrus, song meanings, ufo, crop circles, new age Previous Versions Author![]() eliasstoneAuckland, North Island, New ZealandAboutI am a single man, never married. I am a noble, serene knowledgeable type of man, fully dedicated to acomplishing my purpose. My task is to restore all things. more..Writing