![]() prophecy 1 Brief overview.A Chapter by eliasstone![]() the end-beginning of the world![]() By God, I have decoded most of Daniel and some of Revelation and Zechariah. Daniel is not about warring kings north and south, it is about spirits at war. It is about the sexual indiscretions of the people we call Geeks or Nerds but are in the Bible called Prophet-Teachers of the tribe of Judah, Jesus himself was one, a carpenter or technocrat.
What is a spirit? A spirit is a colored energy-cloud that associates with a particular shape of action or thought of feeling. We generate energy when we act and then save or dissipate those energies depending on how we act.
666 is not a physical mark such as a computer chip. It is a spiritual mark we already have on our heads and hands because we are sinners whose righteousness is as filthy rags: Isaiah 64. It refers to how we think and how we act, what we do with our hands.
Revelation 12 and 13 is about the spirits of satan changing and hiding within our culture. The transformation begins when we hear the devil has ten horns and seven heads with seven crowns on those heads. (By counterpoint, God has ten horns and seven heads and seven crowns on his head. We understand the devil as all different spirits of pain forming one whole dragon, and the opposite pole is the spirits of pleasure forming one whole god: excitement being a mixture of pleasure and pain is not pleasure at all, and even the pleasure in excitement is not pure pleasure but tainted by contest. The good and evil we know when Eve ate the apple is the pseudo good and pseudo evil of the map of the Ego otherwise known as the covenant with death and agreement with hel or the image of the beast: Rev 13:15.) Then the devil transforms into a beast out of the sea in Rev 12:1: the horns have crowns: the emphasis on all the spirits. Finally the devil becomes the False Prophet having two horns like a lamb but speaking as a dragon: this is the filthy spirit upon all people and on the people who could help us most being potentially high priests (the geeks or nerds) on the earth: Zechariah 3: Behold the high priest dressed in filthy rags. The Prophet-Teachers need to be treated better by us if they are to help us get free of the ego culture and its penchant for mindless excitement.
I saw 'Knowing' the other day starring Nicholas cage, and I think it is the best end-of-world movie, better than too-perfect christian videos of the end.
Now we should know Jesus returns about 2034 give or take five years because of possible calandar error. 2000 plus his age when resurrected. 2012 is the start of the transformation, like a global baptism when huge numbers of people will be baptised by God's spirit whether other people see it or not. ('No man knows the day nor the hour...' -- so we can know the year.)
True Baptism is when the world dissapears and is replaced by light: the love-light of God.
God, the word, is general, vital and precise. True precision is not petty nor pedantic. When we are sharpened and made more precise, we are quickened in spirit.
The four beasts in daniel are not the USA Russia and so forth. They are the four standards of Israel, the four sides of the twelve tribes: prophets, evangelists pastors and teachers. The teachers are the ones who can save us. But their ten horns are corrupted and changed into the four spirits that deceive us all, the four spirits of the Image of the beast. Also four: Zechariah 1.
The beast Of Iron in Daniel is the technological transformation sweeping the world. But the science of this beast is lying to us. Because the purity of the conception of the science is distorted by fornication and adultery and the lust of concupiscence within marrige: 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-9. We see this beast 'brings lightning down from the sky' in Revelation 13: electricity. And we hear this beast 'destroys wonderfully' in Daniel about chapter 8: atom bombs, hi-tech machine guns -- need I say more? So the very people who could save us, are deceiving us. This is a very brief overview, and you need to seek the truth from the holy spirit because no man is saved by strange doctrine Ephesians, but only by his own search for truth and that by grace.
Daniel 12: 11-12. 1290 and 1335 days. This means when the abomination is set up a false church that appears true because having a strong holy spirit will be set up, but the true christian is happy when he makes it to the true church of 1335 days, having a weak leadership but strong individuals that comprise it. The false church has strong leadership but spiritually weak individuals.
The daily sacrifice is the method of achieving needs by allowing God to meet those needs, it is the non-lustful way to meet needs. 'Do not worry about what you shall eat or the clothes to wear...' Matthew 'But seek ye first the kingdom and all else will be added unto you.' Seek first the truth about how to obtain a need, but the abomination is set up which says 'the individual does not need to know God much at all. That God is too awesome to understand and therefore true piety is to understand God a little and defend that stubbornly'. But the stubborn defense of an idea about God is idolatry.
The abomination is petty, pedantic, precision; which replaces the daily sacrifice's precision or righteousness.
Matthew 24 is not about nuclear war, it is about homosexual unrest in the last days. Holidays and long cold winter nights the werewolves will prowl.
Why would homosexuals suddenly go berserk worldwide? I have two theories or ideas: 1 the natural tendency of any lust is world domination: Alexander the (so-called) Great, Ghengis Khan, Adolf Hitler; so its only natural the sexual Id of the ego would want world domination too 2 AIDS might break out worldwide and the homosexual population will go berserk as they lash out in frustration at their fate and try and infect every non-homosexual.
I have nothing against the homosexual population as they are often the product of the lust of concupiscence of their parents' parents. But I say the answer is to feel the pain of sex but not react to it: 'turn the other cheek' applies in sex as well as in work.
Every so-called christian is making love in the lust of concupiscence and then going to church as if holy and pure.
The acts of the Apostles and Jesus made us think that the way to God is by work alone, and therefore anything is acceptable in the marriage bed. But 1Thessalonians being interpreted properly says that the christian is supposed to be meek and patient in sex and in control at all times; and therefore anyone who ejaculates is making love in the lust of concupiscence. Put on the condom of the christian heart.
So God deceived us in that he allowed ourselves to delight in sexual sin: 2Thessalonians 2:11 'And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they shall believe a lie; that all might be damned who believed not the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.'
In the old testament God tells a man who has an emission of Semen to bathe in the stream all day -- obviously then emission of semen is an unclean and dirty sinful act needing to be purged?
And in 1Thessalonians 4: 1-9 we know the verses are about sex because the last verse begins: 'And as for brotherly love you need not that I write....'. Obviously then the preceding passages had nothing to do with brotherly love but with sexual love.
'That no man go beyond and defraud his brother... because the Lord is the avenger of all such as we have forewarned you and testify.' If you make your sexual partner do something he or she does not want to do then you have hurt them and the law of harmony which is God's law 'do unto another as you would have them do unto you' avenges such persons with AIDS and Cancers and so forth causing old age and death.
© 2011 eliasstone |
Added on October 9, 2011 Last Updated on October 22, 2011 Tags: 666, new-age, 2034- the end?, bible prophecy, Knowing starring Nicholas Cage Previous Versions Author![]() eliasstoneAuckland, North Island, New ZealandAboutI am a single man, never married. I am a noble, serene knowledgeable type of man, fully dedicated to acomplishing my purpose. My task is to restore all things. more..Writing