A Poem by Eddie Phillips




In truth an oppressor is not a stranger
He lives with you every day
A true oppressor knows your habits
and all the simple words you say
He is studied and efficient
He knows THINGS about you
He uses that knowledge smartly
to destroy everything you do


He will never really fear you,
He won't turn and run for cover
For an oppressor knows your secrets
he is more attuned then any lover

400 years of living in the illusion
That the oppressors would let us be
But history has always shown
oppressors choke out the will of the free


He has stolen our loves and dreams
He has wrenched out the air we breathe
He treated us as nothing,
while calling this: "The Land of the Free"


So today now you're suprised
as he fights your desire to vote
You quiver in ancestral terror
as you feel his hands upon your throat


People never forget
Your oppressor knows who & what you are
remember to stay vigilant
because he will never be too far


So go out and step boldly,
with new perspective and a global stride
For if you vote your conscience
God will be there by your side


Send a message to that old oppressor
as you enforce your equal right
and be guided by those who have fallen
under his oppressive might


Go out and fight him boldly on every "challenged" hill


“I will stand firm under your oppression!"
"I will not bend to your hateful will!"
"For the God that watched over our people;
He yet watches over us still!"


© 2012 Eddie Phillips


© 2013 Eddie Phillips

Author's Note

Eddie Phillips
I don't care how you vote. Vote because there are people who will fight your right to do so. It has happened in this country since its inception. Doesn't matter the race. The oppressor is out there picking at weak minds.

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Please comment. Bad or good I would appreciate the feedback. I am new on the site.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I ask you Eddie, who is this oppressor? Their's a fight for the soul of this great nation and the way I see it as of right now, we're losing Her. I'm just curious as to who this oppressor might be?

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Eddie Phillips

11 Years Ago

I think we have the right to vote for anyone we want. I think its up to the individual. What I don.. read more
A. H. Pinley

11 Years Ago

Three things people avoid talking about or refuse to have dialogue on is race, religion and politics.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on March 16, 2013
Last Updated on March 17, 2013


Eddie Phillips
Eddie Phillips

Denver, CO

Writer, Scholar, Martial Artist, Poet, etc. I write everything. Whatever is on my heart comes through my pen. I do not limit myself to only write what I think. I write what I feel. I write a lot .. more..
