Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by E. Kang

Reyna started to walk out of the little clearing she was in. As she walked, she made sure she knew how to get back to the door that seemed to be her only way home. Reyna took the key out of her pocket and examined it. The brass key looked old-fashioned. It was slightly heavier than Reyna expected. One one side of the key was that strange "A" she had seen on the door. Reyna still couldn't decide if it was a capital "A" or an unfinished cartoon star.
Reyna had reached a path. Putting the key back into her pocket, she contemplated on whether she should follow it or go back home. Reyna's curiosity and her adventurous side got the better of her, and she started to walk down the beaten path. After around ten minutes of walking, she started to smell something. Something amazing.
Reyna's stomach growled. She hadn't eaten her food at Infinity Books, meaning she hadn't eaten since lunch time. After a few more minutes of walking, Reyna was about to give up and go back to the tree with the little door in it when she reached a quaint little town that seemed to be the source of the smell. The town was bustling with people going to and from one another's houses. They all look like bakers, Reyna thought, noticing the flour, eggs, and other ingredients in their arms. It also explained the glorious smell that was wafting around her.
Looking around the little town that seemed to be in a circle formation, she noticed that al the houses were a light tan color. Reyna's stomach growled again, but this time more loudly. A woman who was passing by heard it and looked at Reyna. Reyna blushed.
"Dear, are you hungry? Your stomach seems to have a mind of its own, doesn't it?" the woman asked politely. Reyna gave an embarrassed smile. The woman seemed to be middle-aged. She had red hair, as well as a kind smile. She had warm green eyes. All of a sudden, Reyna was reminded of Carter and his amazing eyes.
"It's okay, I think I can get some food on my own." Reyna said. The woman smiled kindly.
"Whatever you say won't stop me from buying you something to eat," she declared. "My name is Monica Winsa."
"I really don't need you to buy me food," Reyna said. "And I'm Reyna Kal." Monica ignored Reyna and simply said, "Come along!" in a cheerful tone. Having no choice other than to starve, Reyna followed her. They entered one of the tan buildings. The smell of bread baking overwhelmed Reyna. She took a deep breath and smiled. Reyna noticed that the building was actually a house that doubled as a sort of bakery.
"Arman!" Monica called. "Bring something fresh out of the fire. We have a hungry girl in need of food." Turning to Reyna, she said, "Sit down at that table over there. My husband will bring you something amazing in a little bit." And with a smile, Monica walked to another part of the building.
Looking around the room she was standing in, Reyna saw that there were no display counters like a normal bakery back home. A tall, dark-haired man walked in with a plate of something steaming. He smiled at Reyna, and introduced himself, "Hello, I'm Arman. These are a little hot, so be careful when you eat them." Without another word, he returned to the room he had come from.
Reyna picked up what looked like a plain muffin. Biting into it, however, made her taste buds explode with pleasure. Reyna couldn't describe the taste. Words wouldn't be able to do this muffin justice. It was like nothing Reyna had ever eaten back home. Savoring the delicious pastry, Reyna heard Monica call out to Arman, "Arman! Our nephew plans on coming to visit again!" Then she heard Arman groan good-naturedly.
"Doesn't he have training?" Arman asked. "I'm busy making food for tomorrow's sales!" Reyna wondered who their nephew was.
"He's coming over right now, and no, he doesn't have training today. He just wants to eat. Apparently, at his house, there isn't anything good to stuff his face with." Monica said. As if on cue, there was a knock on the door.
Monica rushed out of whatever room she was in and said, "He probably flew over here again. That boy sure likes to show off, doesn't he?" Reyna turned around to watch her.
Fly? Reyna thought. What? Monica walked into the hallway that led to the front door. Reyna turned back around for a second muffin. She was enjoying it so much that she didn't pay any attention to Monica and her nephew. She barely heard Monica suggest to her nephew that he go and get to know "the sweet girl sitting at the table." Only when the tall boy sat down in front of her did she look up. Reyna dropped her muffin and stared. The boy looked even more shocked than she did.
The boy was Carter.

© 2011 E. Kang

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Added on July 23, 2011
Last Updated on December 8, 2011


E. Kang
E. Kang


Currently working on three stories. Stay tuned! more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by E. Kang