![]() CH. 4 Bad DecisionsA Chapter by Smooth J-coolThe ambulance picked up Darryl within minutes. I was so scared. I didn't want him to die. He was my best friend. After a few hours of hoping and praying, Brandon and I rushed to the hospital to see how Darryl was doing. When we arrived at the Emergency Room, we went to the front desk.
"Hi, I'm looking for Darryl Winston. I'm his sister."
Saying I was his sister insured that I would be able to go in and see him.
"He's in room 412. You can go in and see him."
I rushed to the room as if i were a cheetah cub running to its mother. I stopped right before his room. What was I going to say? I didn't want to see my friend in pain. After a couple seconds of getting myself together, I walked in. When I walked in. Darryl was laying down with tubes in his nose and IV in his arm. He looked so peaceful sleeping. The doctor walked in after me.
"Hi, are you his girlfriend," Dr. Jenkins asked.
GIRLFRIEND? No way. Why would he even think that?.....Then again, was that such a bad idea?
"No sir, I'm his sister. How is he," I asked.
"He's stable. We had to pump his stomach. His BAC was .22.
"Oh my gosh." I replied in shock.
"Yeah, it was bad. Luckily, we got to it in time. We are going to keep him overnight. You're parents were up here earlier. They were pretty upset. They went down to the cafeteria if you want to talk to them."
"Thank you sir."
I didn't want to go to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Winston. How was I going to explain to them how tonight went. I walked up to Darryl. I kissed him gently on his forehead. I left the room to find Brandon patiently waiting.
"Can I ask you a question," I asked him.
"Sure, what's up."
"Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you here? I know you drove me here but you stayed with me."
"Well, I'm here to make sure that Darryl is alright. He might have wanted to fight me earlier, but he's a good dude. And I've been in his position."
"Yeah, it was a bad choice and I had to pay for it. Now, I don't even look at alcohol."
Brandon wasn't so innocent, but I'm proud of him. He was so emotionally strong.
"Well, I'm glad you're clean," I laughed.
Brandon grabbed my hand and we walked to the cafeteria. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Winston sitting at a table talking. I approached them with ease.
"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Winston.," I said.
"Hey Jade. How are you doing. I didn't know you knew what happened? We still don't know what happened," Mr. Winston said.
"I do."
After explaining what I knew, they were puzzled.
"Who is Tanya? What does she want with Darryl," Mrs. Winston added.
"I don't know ma'am. All I know is that tonight was a interesting Friday night," I laughed.
"Yes it was, but I'm glad you came up to see him. You should head home. I know your parents are having a fit."
"Okay bye guys."
Brandon drove me home. The ride was very quiet, but I needed quiet. I needed time to think about that night.
"Thank you Brandon. You're a great friend," I said.
"Friend....I'll take it for now," he added.
I gave him a hug and got out. I watched him drive off. When I got in the house, I checked my watch. I was only five minutes pass my curfew, which was 11:30. My dad was sitting in his recliner watching the news.
"Hi, Dad," I said.
"You're off the hook, little miss thang," he said.
"I know I'm late but I had to go see Darryl. He was in the hospital. He was drinking and it got out of hand."
"Oh wow, is he okay?"
"He's fine dad. Where's mom?"
"She's upstairs sleeping. Don't be late again or ill have to give you a whoppin," he smiled.
"Dad, I'm too old for whoppins."
"Oh yeah, okay we'll see."
I smiled," Goodnight daddy."
"Uh huh, goodnight."
I went upstairs to my room. I immediately jumped into my pjs and laid down. Right before I was about to fall asleep, I got a text message from Kyra.
"I know I'm not your favorite person right now but I felt you needed to know this. Tanya told Darryl that if he drank a full bottle of Hennessy, she would give him head," read the text.
What the hell was that. Tanya was just ruining his life. Really? Get drunk to get head? I couldn't believe it.
"She told me this after the matter. Trust me, If I knew wat she was doin, I would've stopped it."
I don't know why, but I believed her.
"Okay where will she be tomorrow?"
"At the park across the street from the mall."
"Ok. what time?"
"Around 3"
"I'll be there."
I started to get really annoyed with the things Tanya was doing. That next day she was going to hear from me.
I met Tanya at the park. My face was turning red at the sight of her.
"What the hell is you're problem? Huh? What possessed you to make Darryl drink for your dirty a*s," I said.
"Hold up. I know you ain't coming to me like that. Didn't I tell you to watch your mouth. See what not listening gets you" she yelled.
"Tanya, I'm not scared of you. You so stupid that u can't see that no one wants you. You just a dirty 'ol rat. That's all you're gonna be."
"What? I know you not tryna start."
"Bring it," I said.
Tanya threw the first punch, I quickly blocked and punched her in her nose. She fell to the ground. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!
© 2011 Smooth J-coolReviews
2 Reviews Added on May 2, 2010 Last Updated on June 10, 2011 Author![]() Smooth J-coolFredericksburg, VAAboutI'm 16 and I love to write. I've been writing ever since I was little, but now I'm starting to take it seriously. I write about what I know and what I experience. I try to make my stories as real as p.. more..Writing