지금 안'-서 건너온 3명의 강도 살인™" (MURDERERS!!!!!!!)
필리핀- 와있어ㅠ
(There are 3 people from Anyang who are indicted as murders who came to the Philippines)
같이 교회 2달 다""데 no one noticed until like this week when one girl was stalked by one of the men all the way to her house.
(They went to my church for 2 months but...)
those three men are in their early 40s and they bring this really skinny woman with super scary face with them. i'll show you the pics when possible.
I know you guys go out at night often so please do take care of yourselves. Try not to go out alone!!
apparently, there are many victims already.. not only here but also in ortigas!
so my mom received this command from church to pass this news to other koreans! :s
걱정되니까 조심해라 이놈"아!!
(I'm really worried about you guys so be careful!!!!!!!)
especially those who stay home alone most of the times!!!
p.s. please pass this to your korean friends! 
I know some people can't understand Korean and most people don't live in the Philippines. But please, please, please if you do.